Spotted: Upcycled Candles from Old Wine Bottles

Rewined: Soy Candles in Reclaimed Wine Bottles

You know that I love a good wine-related craft, and these upcycled bottle candles from Rewined are rocking my socks!

The candles are molded inside of reclaimed wine bottles that the Rewined team collects. They clean, cut, and cure the bottles before filling them with scented soy wax candles. Check out this video about their process:

They make each candle by hand, and the artist signs it! I love that they've found a way to scale up without losing the craftsmanship and love that comes with a handmade item.

My only hesitation with these candles is that they use "fragrance" to scent them. Fragrance isn't necessarily bad, but just like in beauty products, it casts a wide net. The fragrance could be a blend of totally safe essential oils or a mix of harmful chemicals. There's just no way to know, and whether you're concerned about fragrance is really a personal call.

You can find Rewined candles on Amazon.