How to Conserve: 5 DIY Reusables

Reusable Snack Bag

Earlier this week, we talked a bit about Earth Overshoot Day and how to conserve, so you can cut your own footprint. One of my favorite ways to reduce my impact is to use my crafty skills not only to repurpose materials that would be otherwise landfill-bound but to make things that replace disposables in my life.

I'm a big believer that even the smallest changes can add up. Every time you use a cloth napkin instead of a disposable one or bring your own reusable to-go cup, you're making a difference. Imagine if all of the billions of people on this planet just made a few small changes. The impact would be huge!

Sure, you can buy all kinds of reusables, but there's a satisfaction in making your own, isn't there? I'm much more likely to remember a cloth napkin at meal time when the drawer in the kitchen is packed with ones I made myself, you know? Check out how to conserve with some DIY reusables!

How to Conserve the DIY Way!

DIY Mesh Grocery Bags

1.  DIY Grocery Bags

This is kind of like green 101, right? But store-bought reusable bags have to be made in a factory and shipped all over the world. That uses a lot of resources. Shrink that footprint by raiding your closet for some tees that are past their prime, and making your own grocery bags instead!

2. Mason Jar To-Go Cup

Who needs an icky plastic cup and straw, when you can bring your own super hip to go cup? You can make this even greener by using your cup with a reusable glass straw instead of a disposable plastic one!

DIY Cloth Pad

3. Make Your Own Cloth Pads

I know, reusable menstrual products come with a bit of an ick factor, but aren't those tons of bloody pads festering in landfills even more ick-worthy? How about the GMO cotton and petroleum products used in disposable pads? And that feeling that you're kinnnndd of wearing a crinkly diaper? Once you get the swing of reusable pads, you'll never go back. Promise.

4. Reusable Snack Bag

Be gone, wasteful plastic baggies! Check out this simple tute for making a machine-washable cloth snack bag instead!

5. Cleaning Wipes

Paper towels, schmaper schmowels, I say. Who needs to destroy virgin forests just to wipe up spills? Not you, my friend. Not you. You can whip up your own DIY cleaning wipes in a snap!

Do you have any DIY tips on how to conserve? Share your favorite homemade reusables in the comments!