Energy and Environment News Roundup – 6.17.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


China sets new rules aimed at curbing air pollution (via New York Times)

Shenzen to launch China’s first carbon trading market (via BusinessGreen)

EPA nominee confirmation delay raises questions about US carbon rules (via Reuters)

White House, EPA at odds over savings from emissions regulations (via The Hill)


Coal reaches 29.9% global market share, highest since 1970 (via Facts of the Day)

Coal industry pins hopes on exports as US markets shrinks (via New York Times)

US Capitol power plant becoming cogeneration, quitting coal (via Climate Progress)


Solar power shines in oil-rich Saudi Arabia (via Christian Science Monitor)

Hydrogen plant starts storing wind energy in Germany (via Houston Chronicle)

China pledges support for domestic solar industry (via Reuters)

3GW of new solar PV plants being developed in China by Yingli (via CleanTechnica)

Is concentrating solar power the technology that saves humanity? (via CleanTechnica)

Is the IRS considering solar REITs? (via Renewable Energy World)

Wind contracts may push Austin Energy to 35% renewable energy goal (via Austin American-Statesman)


Losing fight vs. climate change, cities around the world find ways to live with it (via Washington Post/AP)

UN global climate talks blocked by Russia set back six months (via Bloomberg)

UN climate talks make “concrete progress” toward global deal at Bonn (via BusinessGreen)

Climate science debate has cost Australia precious time, warns expert (via The Guardian)

Obama leaves climate change-fighting tool on shelf for now (via Reuters)

Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks (via The Guardian)

Dwindling snow – thanks to climate change – might dry out Los Angeles (via Time)


Chevron’s $10 billion Angola LNG export plant ships first cargo (via Bloomberg)

Study says exports will have significant impact on US natural gas prices (via Houston Chronicle)

Fracking fuels water battles in driest US states (via Politico/AP)


Ford says its regenerative brakes have saved 100 million gallons of gas (via Autoblog Green)

Consumer Reports says higher CAFÉ standards will save car buyers $4,600 (via Autoblog Green)

GM still talking about 300-mile EVs with high-density batteries (via AutoblogGreen)


UK Green Deal energy efficiency makeover could boost property values £16,000 (via BusinessGreen)

MEETS could be most innovative energy efficiency financing tool yet (via Greentech Media)

14 ways to slim your power bill this summer (via Houston Chronicle)


IEA chief economist: climate change a financial threat to oil companies (via Houston Chronicle)

Australia to boost offshore oil exploration (via Yahoo! News/IANS)

Northern Alberta pipeline was only five years old before toxic spill (via Globe and Mail)

North Dakota shale oil production continues record pace (via Houston Chronicle/AP)


World’s biggest marine sanctuary could be declared in Antarctic (via The Guardian)

After Supreme Court water ruling, what’s next for Texas? (via StateImpact Texas)


Nuclear plants, old and uncompetitive, closing earlier than expected (via New York Times)


Explaining how a capacity market works (via Energy Collective)

Smart meters save California Navy base $35,000 annually (via Energy Manager Today)

The microgrid solution (via Resilience)


Obama’s Keystone silence is driving away green activists (via Bloomberg)

Senate Energy Chairman Ron Wyden has broad agenda and an eye toward a dream job (via National Journal)

Baucus sees “creeping” interest in carbon tax (via The Hill)


What to do about climate change (via Washington Post)

The big green business opportunity for America’s economy (via CleanTechnica)

Heartland Institute’s Chinese Academy of Sciences fantasy (via Climate Progress)

CAP report “300 Engines of Growth” features clean energy and climate solutions (via Climate Progress)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 1.28.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Google spending millions to influence smart grid regulations (via AOL Energy)

Cisco unveils “connected grid” approach for power companies (via AOL Energy)

NYISO reports record-low prices, more wind integration in 2012 (via Renew Grid)

Vermont study concludes smart meters are safe (via Renew Grid)


Vancouver port approves first of two controversial coal-export projects (via Vancouver Sun)


Russian row over Kyoto extension rumbles on (via BusinessGreen)

Obama rejects carbon tax, prefers focus on jobs (via Environmental Leader)

Experts outline how REDD+ credits could fit into California’s cap-and-trade program (via Mongabay)


Solar PV market set to rebound next year (via Recharge)

New Chinese wind installations fall again in 2012 (via Recharge)

Europe installed over one offshore wind turbine a day in 2012 (via BusinessGreen)

Canada’s first offshore wind farm set for British Columbia (via CleanTechnica)

Solar costs to fall as REITs emerge as funding source (via Bloomberg)

Total capacity of US Defense Department renewable energy installations will quadruple by 2025 (via Pike Research)

Federal court overturns EPA’s biofuels mandate (via New York Times)

Falling costs power wind boom: down another 21% since 2010 (via Facts of the Day)

Net metering hits the wall in California (via Pike Research)

A sneak attack on commercial solar in Arizona (via Greentech Media)

Wyoming wind could be good fit for California (via EarthTechling)

Oregon sets wave energy development course (via EarthTechling)


Japanese energy, business groups urge US natgas export approvals (via The Hill)

Fracking’s other danger: radiation (via StateImpact Pennsylvania)


Survey: consumers want centralized energy efficiency, demand response management (via Renew Grid)

Can smart buildings be catalysts for a second term White House agenda? (via GreenBiz)

Los Angeles saves millions with LED street light deployment (via Forbes)

DC finalizes regulations for benchmarking energy use in large buildings (via Energy Manager Today)

San Francisco 49ers dig for gold with NFL’s first LEED stadium (via CleanTechnica)


Fight intensifies over tar sands pipelines (via Sustainable Business)

Enbridge resisting final clean up of its Michigan oil spill (via InsideClimate News)

Protesters in Maine rally against tar sands oil (via Bloomberg BusinessWeek/AP)


Davos strives to make climate talk more than hot air (via Reuters)

Could China and the BRICs nations lead on climate change? (via The Guardian)

NASA’s alarming map of the worst Australian heat wave on record (via The Atlantic)


Saudi Arabia: “rampaging domestic demand” threatens future as oil exporter (via AOL Energy)

Environmental groups say insurance cannot cover oil spills in Canada (via Business Insurance)

North Dakota oil boom takes a toll on health care (via New York Times)

Barge accident causes Mississippi River oil spill (via USA Today)


US to increase number of public EV charge stations 40% in 2013 (via Autoblog Green)

Toyota Prius was California’s best-selling car in 2012 (via Autoblog Green)

California still hasn’t bought land for bullet train route (via Los Angeles Times)


Brazil plans Amazon tree census to assess deforestation (via The Guardian)

Waste heat from cities may be altering weather patterns (via Climate Central)

Measuring the consequence of forest fires on public health (via

Low snowfall raises concerns about drought recovery (via Climate Central)

Texas, New Mexico tangle over water (via Los Angeles Times)


Washington and business brace for an Obama wave of regulations (via The Hill)

Western candidates top list of prospects to head Interior Department (via Houston Chronicle)

Red state, green Republican: Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard (via Midwest Energy News)


Can emerging wind markets compensate for stagnant European growth? (via Renewable Energy World)

6 technologies that could shape the future of energy (via GigaOm)

How should Washington address climate change? (via National Journal)

Is divestment an effective means of protest? (via New York Times)