Spotted: Upcycled Pinhole Camera

DIY Pinhole Camera

Aren't pinhole cameras fun? There's something magical about taking photos with a camera that you made yourself!

I still remember making pinhole cameras in science class. They're really pretty simple: just a box with a hole in it. The tiny hole lets you allow how and when light hits the film inside, which is how you take your picture. They operate kind of like old-timey cameras: it takes a much longer time to expose the film in a pinhole camera, so you're best off photographing things that aren't going anywhere.

Pinhole cameras aren't just a simple design; they're also easy to make from reclaimed materials! If you have a small cardboard box - like one left over from making pudding - you're on your way to having a pinhole camera. Over at Lil Blue Boo, Ashley has a great tutorial for making a super professional-looking version of that 6th grade science project! Here's what you need to make your own:

  • small, reclaimed cardboard box
  • roll of 35mm film
  • scissors
  • X-acto knife (optional, but it makes it much easier!)
  • old soda can
  • sand paper
  • miniature clothespin (you could also use
  • matte black spray paint
  • hole punch
  • electrical tape

Ready to make your own? Get the tutorial here!

h/t: Dollar Store Crafts