5 Thanksgiving Crafts from Recycled Materials

Thanksgiving Crafts

Looking for some Thanksgiving crafts to get you into the holiday spirit? We've got you covered!

I think we sometimes lose sight of what Thanksgiving is really about. We get so stressed out planning our menu, making travel plans, and getting ready for house guests that we forget to slow down and give thanks for all of the wonderful things in our lives. I hope that these Thanksgiving crafts will be the handbrake you need to relax with friends or family, get your craft on, and share a little good, old-fashioned gratitude.

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5 Thanksgiving Crafts

1. Create Simple Gratitude Decor

This is a project that you and the kids can work on together. Grab some stencils, upcycled paper, and a thrift store picture frame to create some sweet, Thanksgiving crafts to decorate your walls.

2. Hand Print Turkey Shirt

Older kids can help out with this wearable craft project, and they can learn about reverse applique while they do!

3. Grateful Bunting

Got some old jeans that are past their wear? Like, four pairs of old jeans? Use the back pockets to create some very sweet bunting to show you holiday gratitude.

4. Pine Cones of Gratitude

Head to the park with your kids to collect pine cones for this upcycled craft project. You can also use reclaimed paper, like security envelopes, in place of construction paper for more upcycled goodness!

5. Bottle Place Card Holders

Do you have a Frappuccino addiction? Dig those empties out of the recycle bin and turn them into beautiful place cards that double as keepsakes! I think this projcet would also look lovely if you used half-pint Mason jars or even an eclectic mix of glass jars from the recycle bin, don't you?

Do you have any fun Thanksgiving crafts in the works? I'd love to hear about what you're making in the comments!

Image Credit: photo by Bonnie Getchell

Spotted: Upcycled Crayons

upcycled crayons

Crayons are pretty much a fact of life if you've got kids around. Whether you go for conventional or much-more-eco-friendly soy crayons, the other fact of life when it comes to crayons is that you end up with lots of...let's call them "crayon nubbins."

You know what I mean, right? Those little leftover pieces of crayon that are too small to color with but too big to toss? I bet you have a box of them somewhere making you feel guilty. Well, guilt no more, my crafty friends!

Because crayons are made from wax, they are super easy to melt down, and you can make those old crayons new again by just popping them in your oven and letting the bits melt together into new crayons! Of course, if you just stick the crayons on a cookie sheet, you'll end up with a flat, waxy mess. A beautiful mess, but not good for coloring. You also want to make sure you choose the right baking time and temperature. That's where this upcycled crayon tutorial from Hands On As They Grow comes in!

Your kids will love watching through the oven door as those crayon nubbins form new, usable crayons, and I bet that they will treasure the crayons they made a lot more than the ones that come out of the box.

Ready to refresh your crayon stash? Click here for thetutorial!