Hand-Blown Glass Straws from Moxie Glass

glass straws

Moxie Glass makes hand-blown glass straws that are reusable, dishwasher safe, and so cute!

Some drinks are just better with a straw, aren't they? The trouble with those ubiquitous plastic straws is that they're a one-and-done situation, and you know how I feel about single use plastic! Glass straws are a great replacement for the plastic ones that are polluting our beaches and oceans.

Melissa sent me a set of her straws to try along with a reusable glass jar tumbler made just to pair with her glass straws. The tumbler is super awesome! Its screw-on lid has a hole in the middle where you insert the straw, so you can take your drinks on the go in a totally reusable, totally plastic free container.

Melissa from Moxie Glass - aka Many Minis - makes every glass straw by hand in her Colorado studio. The glass she uses is the same sort used to make Pyrex dishware! If you've ever owned any Pyrex, you know how durable this stuff is. Even I have a hard time breaking our Pyrex plates, and that is saying a lot. I'm the clumsiest clutz in Clumsy Town!

The review packet included a few different straws:

  • 2 "bendy" straws - OK, they don't bend, but they're angled, so they kind of feel like drinking from a bendy straw
  • 2 straight straws
  • 2 embellished straws - a fish and a tree frog
  • 1 wide-mouth straw

I tested them all out on a couple of different sorts of drink, and they are great! The wide-mouth straw is the one that actually comes with the tumbler she sent - it's a to-go smoothie cup, so of course I whipped up a green smoothie to try out in there.

glass straw smoothie mug

It worked great! The wider straw didn't clog at all, and the smoothie I made was on the thick side. When I would take my breakfast smoothie to go previously, I was putting it in a to go coffee mug, and it was not super ideal. I can't wait to pack my next to go smoothie in it!

The other straws were a regular diameter for drinking regular drinks, so I just tried them out with some water. Drinking from a glass straw does feel a little bit different from a plastic straw, since glass isn't pliable like plastic, but I really liked using these!

She sent embellished straws with a tree frog and with a fish. The fish one is probably my favorite. When you pull it out of the package, it kind of looks like a crack pipe, but! When you put it into the tumbler, it's freaking adorable. The fish goes on the bottom, so he's swimming in your glass!

embellished glass straws

One of the things that's made me hesitant about glass straws is the thought of having yet another thing to hand wash. It turns out this isn't an issue at all. Even these embellished straws are dishwasher safe!

You can find Melissa's glass straws in her Etsy shop or on her website!