Energy and Environment News Roundup – 12.9.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


World Bank president calls for “zero net emissions” climate goal (via RTCC)

Study finds emissions pledges from China, U.S., Europe will slow rate of global warming (via Huffington Post)

U.S. takes heat at Lima climate talks on emissions reduction targets (via The Hill)


Chinese coal imports falling fast (via Sightline Daily)

Environmentalists ask Obama to go big on coal ash (via The Hill)


International Trade Commission hearing marks beginning of end to U.S.-China trade case (via PV Tech)

Taiwan, China solar producers no threat to U.S., hears commission (via Reuters)

Obama proposes expanding China solar-cell levy to new suppliers (via Bloomberg)

Brazil shortlists 12.9GW of wind for April 2015 auction (via Recharge News)

U.S. solar growth continues: 1.3GW of PV installed in Q3 (via Greentech Media)

Increased solar and wind generation in California are changing net load shapes (via US EIA)

Duke Energy approved for three North Carolina solar farms (via Bloomberg)

This map explains why Ivanpah solar plant is performing worse than expected (via Greentech Media)


Record European heatwaves likely “every other year” by 2030s, says UK study (via The Guardian)

Australia named worst-performing industrial country on climate change (via The Guardian)

Oil producers face “huge liabilities” in climate deal, says Saudi Arabia (via Reuters)

The growing influence of climate change on the California drought (via Science Blogs)

Louisiana’s sea level rise moonshot (via Huffington Post)

Rep. Chris Van Hollen to co-chair bicameral climate task force (via The Hill)


Copenhagen lighting the way to greener, more efficient cities (via New York Times)

Report: Distributed generation, energy efficiency could cost U.S. utilities $48 billion (via Houston Chronicle)


Kuwait sees oil stuck at $65 for six months until OPEC moves (via Houston Chronicle)

Low oil prices are bad news for Norway (via Christian Science Monitor)

Study finds “significant” methane leaking from abandoned wells (via Houston Chronicle)

U.S. shale output still surges, to add 103,000 bpd by January (via Reuters)

Washington Governor Inslee eyeing tax on oil shipment arriving by rail (via Crosscut)

North Dakota to require every barrel of oil to be filtered to reduce oil train risk (via Reuters)

Rep. Joe Barton to introduce bill lifting crude oil export ban (via The Hill)


Are hybrids being supplanted by EV and plug-in hybrid cars? (via Green Car Reports)

Clean energy banks could foster private investment in charging stations (via Energy Collective)

Tesla tumbles as gas slide spurs demand concerns (via Bloomberg)


California drought mainly due to natural patterns, finds federal study (via The Hill)


How much sway does OPEC have over energy markets? (via National Journal)

Global gasoline prices don’t look the same as in the U.S. (via Houston Chronicle)

Why carbon markets are a hot topic at Lima (via Renew Economy)

How can adaptation finance help the most vulnerable communities? (via WRI Insights)