Happy Thanksgiving from Green Upgrader!

Giving Thanks

We're taking things easy today here at Green Upgrader. It's Thanksgiving day in North America, and we're spending it with good friends, dear family members, and delicious food.

More than the food, though, today is about giving thanks, and I wanted to take a few minutes today to say how grateful I am for the community that we've created here. I am constantly amazed by the insightful comments and savvy tips that you guys share with us. We wanted to create a place where folks could learn to upgrade their lives, but what we have here is so much more than that.

I learn a lot while researching articles to share in this space, and I'm also grateful for a job that allows me to learn every day and share that knowledge with such a conscientious community of people. Sometimes a website can seem like a one-sided endeavor, but your comments and emails make it more than just a website. Thank you for that.

I hope that you're having a warm, wonderful Thanksgiving with people who are dear to you!