Infographic: America’s Cancer Clusters


Cancer Indoor Air Qualidy

We talk a lot about indoor and outdoor air pollution around here, so when I ran across this infographic at sustainablog, I couldn't resist sharing it with you guys. It gives a lots of information about common carcinogens that we encounter both in the workplace and at home. Check it (you can click the graphic to view a larger version):

America Cancer Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality and Cancer

The part of the graphic that struck me most was the section at the end on cancer and indoor air quality. The air inside our homes is often far more polluted than the air outdoors, thanks to chemical cleaning products and off-gassing from our furniture and housewares.

If you're not familiar with off-gassing, it's when a product made with harmful toxins releases small amounts of those chemicals into the air. A good example is that "new car smell." What you're actually smelling is all of the chemicals used to make everything from the seats and steering wheel to the dashboard, gear shift, and floormats. When you think about what's actually causing that smell, it's not such a pleasant odor!

Looking for some tips to improve the air quality in your own home? Check out these 9 ways to make your home's air safer!

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