Energy and Environment News Roundup – 12.3.13


A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


UN carbon offset market seen “in a coma” for years after Warsaw (via Planet Ark)

Beijing starts China’s third carbon exchange with first trades (via Bloomberg)

US EPA chief to share air pollution lessons with China (via Reuters)

EPA to be “flexible” on carbon standards (via The Hill)

RGGI tells EPA: Keep cap-and-trade alive (via National Journal)

California’s carbon market caps off successful first year of auctions (via Environmental Leader)

Bloomberg LP launches first tool that measures risk of “unburnable carbon” assets (via InsideClimate News)


Report: China’s green economy faces significant challenges (via Environmental Leader)

Canada at crossroads in bid to become energy superpower (via Bloomberg)

Slashing fossil fuel consumption comes with a price (via NPR)


Solar PV “competitive” with natural gas in 2025 (via Recharge)

Wind could generate 18% of global electricity by 2050 (via RTCC)

For Minnesota utility, wind backed by hydro is “holy grail” (via Midwest Energy News)

Poll of businesses finds support for Ohio clean energy standards (via Cincinnati Enquirer)


Billionaire “absolutely” wants to sway Keystone XL decision (via The Hill)

US pipeline safety official admits he’d avoid buying a home near pipelines like Keystone XL (via DeSmog Blog)


Scientists warn global warming “will be hard to reverse” (via Climate Central)

More droughts, heavier rains predicted for warmer Europe (via Agence France-Presse)

EPA leader urges cooperation on climate ahead of trip to China (via National Journal)


OPEC scrambling to keep oil prices stable (and high) as it meets (via Washington Post)


Delayed auto emissions targets will cost EU £21 billion (via BusinessGreen


London switches on to LED lighting revolution (via BusinessGreen)

Five of the most important changes to the LEED green building rating system (via Greentech Media)


Who’s really cashing in on the fracking boom? (via National Journal)

10% of US earthquakes are in Oklahoma – is shale drilling to blame? (via EnergyWire)


Power struggle: Green energy versus a grid that’s not ready (via Los Angeles Times)

Stem looks beyond utilities to lead charge on batteries for the grid (via GreenBiz)


Is EPA on the right track with the biofuels mandate? (via National Journal)

How do meteorologists fit into the 97% global warming consensus? (via The Guardian)

Why the utility death spiral myth needs to die (via Forbes)

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