Energy and Environment News Roundup – 4.12.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


New research challenges assumptions about global warming effects on mountain tree lines (via

G8 ministers argue climate action must “intensify as a matter of urgency” (via BusinessGreen)

Greenhouse gases make high temperatures hotter in China (via

Rising sea levels could cost UK “billions” (via RTCC)

Climate change keeps expanding Canada’s epidemic of forest-destroying beetles (via Climate Progress)

Federal report: global warming didn’t cause US drought (via AP)


Chinese coal producer plans $1.7 billion investment in Australian wind (via Bloomberg)

US coal producers scrambling in face of skyrocketing production costs (via SNL Energy)

Coal to stay important in US energy mix, says EPA pick (via Reuters)


Libya aims to get a fifth of its power from solar by 2020 (via Reuters)

France’s geothermal fracking conundrum (via Christian Science Monitor)

Alberta looks at renewable energy amid push for Keystone (via Bloomberg)


Energy and Environment News Roundup – 4.12.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


New research challenges assumptions about global warming effects on mountain tree lines (via

G8 ministers argue climate action must “intensify as a matter of urgency” (via BusinessGreen)

Greenhouse gases make high temperatures hotter in China (via

Rising sea levels could cost UK “billions” (via RTCC)

Climate change keeps expanding Canada’s epidemic of forest-destroying beetles (via Climate Progress)

Federal report: global warming didn’t cause US drought (via AP)


Chinese coal producer plans $1.7 billion investment in Australian wind (via Bloomberg)

US coal producers scrambling in face of skyrocketing production costs (via SNL Energy)

Coal to stay important in US energy mix, says EPA pick (via Reuters)


Libya aims to get a fifth of its power from solar by 2020 (via Reuters)

France’s geothermal fracking conundrum (via Christian Science Monitor)

Alberta looks at renewable energy amid push for Keystone (via Bloomberg)


Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.4.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


China atop renewable energy ranks as shale gas changes the game (via CleanTechnica)

Analyst says US renewable energy policy superior to Europe’s (via Renew Grid)

The rising energy policy power of America’s tribes (via Recharge)

Obama to tap McCarthy to lead EPA, Moniz for Energy secretary (via The Hill)

Natural gas challenges coal as king of the energy hill in Ohio (via Los Angeles Times)


Japan to build LNG terminal for US shale gas imports (via Pakistan Business Recorder)

New research says natural gas boom still has a few decades left in it (via StateImpact Texas)

Pennsylvania fracking health study will decide New York, shape policy around US (via Facts of the Day)

Bakken Shale’s top producer wants to snuff out natural gas flaring (via Midwest Energy News/EnergyWire)

Natural gas leaks come under scrutiny, raise questions on climate impact (via Washington Post)

A snapshot of drilling on a national park’s margins (via New York Times)


Solar stunner: unsubsidized “grid parity has been reached in India” and Italy, with more countries coming in 2014 (via Climate Progress)

Green investors take fright at German bid to cap power prices (via Reuters)

Ontario grid to see significant boost in renewable energy integration (via Renew Grid)

Three percent of US electricity could come from river hydropower (via CleanTechnica)

California city wants to require solar on every home (via Greentech Media)

Solar struggles to shine in deregulated Texas electricity market (via StateImpact Texas)

Minnesota’s Goodhue wind project faces blowback (via Finance & Commerce)


State Dept: denying Keystone XL would not slow oil sands development (via Forbes)

Railroads emerge as alternative to pipeline for moving Canada’s oil sands (via Washington Post)

Keystone XL pipeline report slammed by activists and scientists (via The Guardian)

New Obama Administration report on Keystone XL pipeline has enviros worried (via Mother Jones)


China carbon tax may spur US climate debate (via Bloomberg)

Australian climate on “steroids” after hottest summer (via

UK businesses urged to prepare for more extreme weather (via BusinessGreen)

Climate change science poised to enter nation’s classrooms (via InsideClimate News)

How NASA scientists are turning LA into one big climate-change lab (via Atlantic Cities)


Critic of unbridled growth tipped as new China environmental minister (via Reuters)

Asian and African dust influences western US rain and snowfall – study (via ClimateWire)

Chemical spill in China underlines environmental concerns (via New York Times)

Court ruling keeps polar bear as threatened species (via The Hill)

EPA funding reductions have kneecapped environmental enforcement (via National Journal)


Standard & Poors warns oil firms could soon face credit downgrades (via BusinessGreen)

Transocean, Halliburton say their Gulf spill tabs should be BP’s burden (via Houston Chronicle)

BP wins appeal on Gulf oil spill insurance claim (via Houston Chronicle)


Honda to reuse rare earths from old batteries for new hybrid vehicle batteries (via Green Car Congress)

Automakers work to achieve zero-waste goals (via New York Times)

The part of Amtrak that people use makes money – the rest doesn’t (via Slate)

Oregon proposes 1.5-cent-per-mile tax for EVs, 55+ mpg cars (via Autoblog Green)


How ARPA-E is working to create the 21st century smart grid (via Greentech Media)

Will drones soon help utilities repair the grid? (via Renew Grid)

Texas electric supply will be “very tight,” says grid operator (via Houston Chronicle)


Report casts doubt on Britain’s nuclear electricity strategy (via New York Times)


Green building movement takes hold worldwide (via Sustainable Business)

US homes show greatest seasonal variation in electricity use (via US EIA)

Nearly 30 percent of US homes have ditched incandescent light bulbs (via Greentech Media)


McCarthy: seasoned regulator primed for climate fight (via Politico)

Gov. Jerry Brown works to spread California’s green doctrine (via Los Angeles Times)

ARPA-E director worries the agency could “get lost” in fiscal talks (via Greentech Media)


Coal is history, or is it? (via Forbes)

What’s on the chopping block in energy and environment policy? (via National Journal)

Stop comparing early hybrid sales to early EV sales (via Plugin Cars)