Energy and Environment News Roundup – 11.13.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.

COP 19 

China to participate in international climate pact, says official (via Xinhua)

Japan to provide $16 billion for climate efforts, reports Nikkei (via Bloomberg)

US fears climate talks will focus on compensation for extreme weather (via The Guardian)

Russia cools talk of separate loss and damage climate mechanism at COP 19 (via RTCC)


Vilsack disputes AP ethanol report (via National Journal)

Ethanol industry takes aim at AP investigation (via Huffington Post/AP)

Breaking down the numbers on ethanol: Inside the AP biofuels report (via Climate Progress)

Green energy push replaces native prairie with corn as ethanol turns profitable (via Huffington Post)


China to build more renewables than EU, US combined says IEA (via Bloomberg)

10GW of wind and solar in Brazil’s next power auction (via Recharge)

Australia cuts $435 million in funding to renewables (via Renew Economy)

67% of consumers would pay more for clean energy (via Greentech Media)

Biofuels industry renews cellulosic ethanol push (via Kansas City Star)

Pennsylvania may double its renewable energy standard (via Climate Progress)

Amidst solar battle, Arizona’s largest utility renews ALEC membership (via Climate Progress)

Remotely controlled turbines help protect raptors (via Billings Gazette)

NASCAR reaches ethanol use milestone (via The Oklahoman)


Carbon pricing buoyed by China and the US (via Environmental Leader)

Australian prime minister starts carbon tax repeal push (via National Journal)

US hunts for cheaper ways to capture CO2 (via Reuters)


China, Norway may team up in search for Arctic oil (via Reuters)

Brazil set to become major global oil supplier by 2015 (via Reuters)

Top scientists call for California fracking ban in letter to Gov. Brown (via San Jose Mercury-News)


An EV recharging industry rises (via New York Times)

Need an alternative fuel station? Now there’s an app for that (via CleanTechnica)


Japan readies additional $30 billion for Fukushima cleanup (via Reuters)


Haiti, Philippines, Pakistan hardest hit by extreme weather in 2012 (via Toronto Star)

Inland states most likely to ignore climate hazards, says study (via Climate Central)

IEA report says climate measures falling short of global target (via The Hill)

World will need 48% renewables by 2035 to address climate change (via Renew Economy)

Global warming since 1997 more than twice as fast as estimated (via The Guardian)

California headed for driest year on record (via Climate Progress)


Landowners to sue Cuomo, New York over “arbitrary” fracking delay (via Democrat & Chronicle)


Smart grid benefits set to surpass industry forecasts (via Renew Grid)

Half of consumers have never heard of the smart grid (via Energy Manager Today)

Smart grid success hinges on consumer education (via Renew Grid)


Five bad arguments from the coal industry (via Bloomberg)

Environmentalists challenge coal lease deal in Ohio national forest (via Columbus Dispatch)


LEED’s stunning growth, and what’s behind it (via EarthTechling)


Keystone XL study warns of defective segments on pipeline’s southern leg (via InsideClimate News)


What a deadly typhoon in the Philippines can tell us about climate adaptation (via Washington Post)

Is your state ready for climate disasters? (via Grist)

It doesn’t have to be so hard: Making renewable energy siting easier (via Renewable Energy World)

Work not done, Obama climate adviser moves on (via AP)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 11.12.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Countries look to lay foundation for global pact at climate change summit (via Washington Post)

IPCC corrects carbon figures in landmark UN climate report (via The Guardian)

Researchers find tie between global precipitation and global warming (via

A climate jolt to complacency on food supply (via New York Times)

UN climate deal must be “tailored” to fit US and China (via RTCC)

Climate change report depicts a planet in peril (via Los Angeles Times)

US Chamber urges support for bill to thwart EPA climate rules (via The Hill)

Your city council may be a secret climate change hero (via Greentech Media)


Shale’s effect on oil supply is not expected to last (via New York Times)

IEA says US to surpass Saudi Arabia as top oil producer by 2016 (via Reuters)

For OPEC, don’t call it a comeback (via The Hill)

In North Atlantic, world’s largest oil platform is getting a twin (via EnergyWire)


German wind industry says too early for panic on subsidy cuts (via Bloomberg)

IEA says China will lead renewable energy output boom (via Recharge)

India to invite bids for 1 gigawatt solar plant (via Bloomberg)

The secret, dirty cost of Obama’s green power push (via AP)

Tea Party’s green faction fights for solar in red states (via Bloomberg)

Ethanol producers nervously await EPA ruling on 2014 target (via National Journal)

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack: “I don’t know” if ethanol helps climate (via The Hill)

Turning point for renewable energy storage (via Navigant Research)

Veterans and the clean energy workforce: The opportunity of a century (via Greentech Media)

Vanderbilt proposes building energy storage into solar cells (via Renewable Energy World)

Legislative glitch means Illinois not meeting solar energy goals (via Chicago Tribune)


Report: TVA coal plants polluting groundwater (via USA Today)


Estimating appliance and home electronic energy use (via

Planning for home renewable energy systems (via

Home Depot will trade in your energy-wasting Christmas lights for LEDs (via Grist)


US Northeast grows increasingly reliant on natural gas for power generation (via US EIA)


IKEA promises rollout of EV chargers at all UK stores by end of 2013 (via BusinessGreen)


Bay Area pledges to slash greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050 (via Mongabay)


Utilities, regulators seek truce in net metering fight (via Navigant Research)

Installed smart meter base will surpass 1 billion by 2022 (via Navigant Research)


Why Obama can’t fix climate change (via National Journal)

The next big renewable energy innovation won’t be technological – it will be financial (via The Atlantic)

The case for ARPA-E: Government’s role in bridging the Valley of Death (via Energy Collective)

Climate change didn’t cause Supertyphoon Haiyan – but the storm is still a reason to fight warming (via Time)

The battle for FERC and the future of energy security (via Breaking Energy)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 11.4.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


PwC: World set to blow carbon budget by 2034 (via BusinessGreen)

Alberta PM seeking “quid pro quo” from US on carbon tax (via Edmonton Journal)

Power plants try burning wood with coal to cut emissions (via New York Times)

The financial case for fossil fuel divestment by endowment fiduciaries (via Huffington Post)


IEA says feed-in tariffs not a subsidy but tax credits are (via Renew Economy)

US will begin publishing fossil fuel subsidy totals (via The Hill)

Wind tax credit could take a big hit in next tax battle (via Politico)


Brazil plans new wind-only tender (via Recharge)

Japan many offer higher feed-in tariff for offshore wind projects (via Recharge)

Renewables “need huge mineral supply” (via Climate News Network)

Efficient turbine spacing boosts offshore wind farm output 33% (via CleanTechnica)

Attacks on clean energy failed across the country: Report (via Huffington Post)

Utilities across the US cashing in on lower price of wind power (via Renew Grid)

4 states lead US in Freeing the Grid for distributed solar energy (via CleanTechnica)

US wind power slumps in 2013 after tax credit drives 2012 boom (via Bloomberg)

Xcel sets 60% wind energy record in Colorado (via CleanTechnica)

$600 average annual savings for middle-class families who lease solar (via CleanTechnica)

Calvert launches green bond fund for retail investors (via Sustainable Business)


Fracking boom leading to fracking bust, say scientists (via Climate Central)

US shale boom to boost LPG exports, bring down prices (via Reuters)

Fracking’s “Red Queen” effect means even more drilling (via TriplePundit)

Coast Guard plan would let “frackwater” travel rivers on barges (via Pittsburgh Times-Tribune)


Warming report sees violent, sicker, poorer future (via AP)

Oceans warming faster than they have over past 10,000 years (via Time)

Kyoto veterans say global warming goal slipping away (via Bloomberg)

Hottest September on record, warmest Arctic in 120,000 years (via Climate Progress)

One potential problem with geoengineering: Less rain (via MIT Technology Review)

Columbia Law report encourages “managed coastal retreat” over fortification (via ClimateWire)

Obama signs order in response to weather disasters and climate change (via Washington Post)

Army Corps: Climate change threatens Naval Station Norfolk (via Washington Post/AP)


Lightning strike may have caused North Dakota pipeline spill (via Huffington Post/AP)

North Dakota oil boom brings worry to Theodore Roosevelt National Park (via Los Angeles Times)

More mineral owners seek to join North Dakota gas flaring lawsuits (via Houston Chronicle)


Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf move combined 4,024 units in October (via Autoblog Green)


Post-Sandy, US pushes microgrids for backup power (via USA Today)

New FERC rule improving outlook for energy storage (via Midwest Energy News)

Plugging interoperability into the nation’s electric grid (via GigaOm)


Smart thermostat market will grow tenfold by 2020 (via Greentech Media)

Green buildings: A matter of health, not just energy (via EarthTechling)


World’s soil moisture could decrease 15% by 2099 (via RTCC)

Bolivia, Madagascar, China see jump in forest loss (via Mongabay)

China’s clean air effort likely to take a long time (via New York Times)

In Rim Fire’s aftermath, a new worry emerges: water (via Los Angeles Times)


In Britain, era of “green conservative” withers (via Washington Post)

GOP deeply divided over climate change (via Pew Research)


Global emissions grew more slowly in 2012, but will they ever decline? (via Washington Post)

What happens when the world dries out (via Climate Central)

Obama asks federal agencies to “prepare” for climate change – here’s what that means (via Washington Post)

Can coal states and the EPA just get along? (via National Journal)

Arizona Public Service should come clean on solar (via Environmental Leader)

China’s great dam boom: An assault on its river systems (via Yale e360)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 10.25.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


8 US states target 3.3 million electric vehicles on the road by 2025 (via CleanTechnica)

Pecan Street study shows EVs might not stress grids (via Austin-American Statesman)


Wall Street demands answers from fossil fuel producers on “unburnable” carbon (via Inside Climate News)

71 institutional investors urge top oil, power companies to tap clean energy (via Pensions & Investments)

Canada falling far short on emission reduction goals (via Globe and Mail)

Response to a city’s smog points to change in Chinese attitude (via New York Times)

Legislative glitch could doom CO2 rules for existing power plants (via Greenwire)

Ann Arbor asks pension board to consider fossil fuel divestment (via Ann Arbor News)

Report: Smoke from wildfires poses health risks (via National Journal)


IEA increases wind power target for global electricity by 2050 (via

GTM research exposes hidden solar growth markets (via Greentech Media)

Japan builds floating windmills to expand offshore power (via New York Times)

Leaked RFS proposal irks both oil and ethanol groups (via Houston Chronicle)

How the Department of Energy is reducing the cost of solar by 75% (via Climate Progress)

Colorado’s first solar rights auction on public lands draws no bids (via Denver Post)


State Department to hand over Keystone XL documents to environmental group (via The Hill)

Obama’s former climate czar predicts president will reject Keystone XL (via The Hill)


A guide to 123GW of grid-scale energy storage (via Greentech Media)

USDA awards $960 million for rural grid improvements (via Renew Grid)

One year later, Hurricane Sandy fuels grid innovation (via GreenBiz)


Poland could halve demand for coal by 2030, study says (via Reuters)


Arctic temperatures reach highest levels in 44,000 years (via Huffington Post)

West Coast states, British Columbia form climate pact (via National Journal)

Nebraska climate change study opposed by state scientists (via Omaha World-Herald)

Ernest Moniz sees Capitol Hill thaw on climate change (via The Hill)


NYC is replacing its 250,000 streetlights with LEDs (via Gizmodo)


Investors: Can oil companies thrive in a warming world? (via Climate Central)

5 things you didn’t know about green business in Brazil (via GreenBiz)

Why businesses need to avoid climate’s “inevitable surprise” (via GreenBiz)

Don’t extend the wind production tax credit, fix it (via MIT Technology Review)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 10.17.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Shutdown’s science fallout could last for years (via Politico)

Obama plans to renew immigration, climate change efforts (via Washington Post)

States won’t get paid back for reopening national parks (via Politico)


Angela Merkel signals hope for EU carbon market fix (via BusinessGreen)

Repealing Australia’s carbon tax: Hidden costs, unanswered questions (via Recharge)

Harvard: University endowments shouldn’t be ruled by climate change (via Triple Pundit)

Refiners join “social cost of carbon” lobbying fray (via The Hill)


Report: Grid parity for renewables “a reality in coming years” (via BusinessGreen)

Onshore wind closes in on fossil fuel costs (via Recharge)

Ocean energy technologies speeding toward commercialization (via Renewable Energy World)

Small wind sees big UK growth (via Recharge)

Phasing out the PTC as wind nears grid parity (via Breaking Energy)

US biodiesel production to surpass RFS target for second straight year (via Green Car Congress)

US ethanol in throes of tumult (via EarthTechling)

Solving energy poverty with solar light bulbs: Nokero product review (via CleanTechnica)


TransCanada expects US decision on Keystone XL by end of March (via Bloomberg)


EU auto emissions rule: First the announcement, then the uproar (via New York Times)

Commercial fleets leading US move away from oil-based vehicle fuels (via Houston Chronicle)

Fuel economy of new vehicles continues to improve (via EarthTechling)

Tesla leads in transfer of California ZEV credits for year ending September 30, 2013 (via Green Car Congress)

Repeal of Virginia hybrid vehicle tax in the works (via Richmond Times-Dispatch)


Asian investors, LNG buyers look to North America as Australia taps out (via Reuters)

Marcellus gas about to enter New York City, but New England is a tougher sell (via EnergyWire)

Groups claim Ohio becoming “radioactive waste dump” for fracking companies (via Columbus Business Journal)


Low natural gas price to hamper US energy efficiency, says IEA (via Bloomberg)

World’s largest net zero building opens in Los Altos, California (via EarthTechling)


Why colleges are big believers in microgrids (via GreenBiz)

Corporations embrace microgrids in threat to utilities (via Bloomberg)


California’s top oil regulator on fracking, climate change, fossil fuels (via National Journal)


What oil-hungry China means for the rest of the world (via Christian Science Monitor)

Is the hub of corporate sustainability moving toward Asia? (via The Guardian)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 10.15.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Germany blocks EU car emissions law (via The Guardian)

Tony Abbott insists Australia’s carbon tax will end on July 1 even if Senate blocks repeal (via The Guardian)


Fracking comes to Saudi Arabia despite limited water resources (via Raw Story/AFP)

China will raise on-grid prices for gas-fired power generation (via Reuters)

Shell CEO says shale gas will take longer to develop than expected (via Reuters)

Combining distributed gas and solar in the US heartland (via Greentech Media)

Drilling water wells to foil fracking (via Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)


IEA projects renewable energy to surpass natural gas in 2015 (via Sustainable Business)

Global hydropower investment to top $75 billion through 2020 (via BusinessGreen)

World Bank support for China solar and wind power may have cost US jobs (via Washington Post)

Chile doubles renewable energy goal to 20% to spark new projects (via Bloomberg)

German green power surcharge to rise 18% in 2014 (via Reuters)

Solar and wind produced up to 60% of Germany’s electricity on October 3rd (via CleanTechnica)

1.8GW of new solar for Japan in Q2 (via CleanTechnica)

Solar vs. wind in Brazil’s power tender (via Recharge)

Putting robots to work in solar energy (via New York Times)


Mercury levels rising near Alberta oil sands, study finds (via Globe and Mail)


Climate change making North American forests more vulnerable (via Washington Post)

Foliage season under fire from climate change (via Climate Central)

LA Times refuses to publish climate denial, will other newspapers? (via CleanTechnica)

Another dry year could be bad news for California (via Los Angeles Times)


For EV makers, selling cars is just the start (via Navigant Research)

From RINs to supply to demand to seasonality, why gasoline is heading lower (via Houston Chronicle)


Report: US oil growth having limited effect on energy security (via Houston Chronicle)


Smart city market to hit $6.1 billion by 2020 (via Energy Manager Today)

10 reasons microgrids matter to corporate sustainability (via GreenBiz)


Clean energy not to blame for rising California energy costs (via EarthTechling)

Four key reasons why coal’s 2013 rebound will end and its decline resume (via Facts of the Day)

Renewable Fuel Standard: Are we nearing a compromise on ethanol? (via Christian Science Monitor)

Why residents of disaster-prone areas don’t move (via The Atlantic)

Renewable fuel standard needs to be modified, not repealed (via

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 10.2.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Federal shutdown weakens weather and climate operations (via Washington Post)

What the shutdown means for energy and environment programs (via Climate Progress)


California and Quebec take another step toward linking cap-and-trade programs (via Green Car Congress)

California’s cap and trade market still needs a price ceiling (via Energy Collective)


Coal to surpass gas in Southeast Asia power boom, says IEA (via Bloomberg)


France launches 80MW tidal power tender (via Recharge)

Analysis shows wind tax credit would cost billions (via The Hill)

Washington DC unanimously passes community solar legislation (via Renewable Energy World)


Poland pits itself against EU climate pledges (via Reuters)

Fossil fuel interests ready to pump millions into climate change debate (via Forbes)

Three things we aren’t as sure of as climate change but accept as fact (via Climate Progress)

Wildfire season could be longer, more intense by 2050 due to climate change (via National Journal)

Climate adaptation goes mainstream in Wisconsin (via Grist)

Yosemite’s largest ice mass is melting fast (via Los Angeles Times)


Public health report released on 2010 Michigan oil spill (via Houston Chronicle)

At trial, BP denies dithering during response to US Gulf spill (via Reuters)


Nearly 64,000 public EV charging stations installed worldwide (via Navigant Research)

Once you go electric, you don’t go back, finds study (via BusinessGreen)

Tesla Model S was best-selling car in Norway during September (via Green Car Congress)

Nissan Leaf outsells Chevy Volt 1,953 to 1,766 in September (via Autoblog Green)

GM intensifies military hydrogen fuel cell research (via BusinessGreen)

$2 billion for cleaner vehicles in California (via CleanTechnica)


40MW energy storage facility goes live in Ohio (via Renew Grid)


Chambers of Commerce want fracking oversight left to states (via Midwest Energy News)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 9.13.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


EU carbon hits 8 month high on jump in energy prices (via Reuters Point Carbon)

Will Costa Rica’s new voluntary carbon trading system work? (via Climate Progress)

Big business fights Obama Administration’s calculations on carbon costs (via Grist)

California carbon allowances retreat to $12.30 as bearish sentiment grows (via Reuters Point Carbon)


China bans new coal-fired plants in 3 regions (via Houston Chronicle/AP)

Air pollution waiver may decide fate of Illinois coal plants (via St. Louis Post-Dispatch)


Solar-Energy Storage market to reach $2.8 billion by 2018 (via Energy Manager Today)

UK hits 1GW of installed offshore wind capacity (via RTCC)

Hydroelectric power makes big comeback at US dams (via Houston Chronicle/AP)

Report: $603 million in DOE biofuels funding fails to meet goals (via The Hill)

60GW of new hydropower projects pending approval by FERC (via Facts of the Day)

US solar PV grows 15% in second quarter (via EarthTechling)

California passes 600MW shared renewables program (via CleanTechnica)

South Carolina rural electrical cooperatives back solar farm (via The State)

California regulators say proposed large-scale solar project could harm eagles (via Greenwire)


Progress at UN climate cash talks sets stage for ministers (via Reuters Point Carbon)

Unprecedented rate and scale of ocean acidification found in Arctic (via

Never-released DOE report predicts increasing domestic conflicts over water, energy (via DeSmog Blog)

US tree migration is not keeping pace with warming (via Yale e360)

Kentucky governor stands up to climate deniers, defends teaching science (via Climate Progress)

Global warming’s denier elite (via Rolling Stone)


Canada touts carbon pollution cuts as Keystone XL pressure builds (via Houston Chronicle)


US federal buildings brace for deep energy retrofits (via EarthTechling)

A bid to “shame” building owners into energy efficiency (via National Journal)

While one Ohio utility fights efficiency, another embraces it (via Midwest Energy News)


Norway’s new government may bar oil firms from Arctic islands (via Reuters)

BP starts drilling at “giant” Gulf of Mexico oil field after spill setback (via Reuters)

Environmental groups bail on California fracking bill (via Huffington Post)

California fracking oversight bill nears final passage even as greens cancel support (via EnergyWire)


Can DOE build a better EV battery? (via Christian Science Monitor)

Bumps in the road as Hawaii plugs into EVs (via Plugin Cars)


Demand response hits a new record in PJM (via Greentech Media)

California proposes framework for energy storage procurement program (via Breaking Energy)

Texas shows transmission upgrade benefits for wind power (via Reuters)


US LNG exports will be higher than expected (via Reuters)


BG Group, Nestle, SAP named among world’s most sustainable companies (via BusinessGreen)

Millennials may not be as green as you think (via GreenBiz)

Why colleges should add green to their school colors (via BusinessGreen)


Senate panel explores US-Mexico offshore drilling deal (via The Hill)

US to pass Russia in liquid fuels production, says IEA (via Wall Street Journal)

California lawmakers move to reform state’s electricity rate structure (via Reuters)

Arizona regulators drop retail electricity deregulation push (via Houston Chronicle/AP)


Canada’s climate actions sharply diverge from government promises (via Energy Collective)

Global warming is very real (via Rolling Stone)

Don’t believe the coal industry’s warnings (via Bloomberg)

How solar remains attractive without key incentives in California (via Forbes)

How long before the Great Plains runs out of water? (via Washington Post)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 9.13.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


EU carbon hits 8 month high on jump in energy prices (via Reuters Point Carbon)

Will Costa Rica’s new voluntary carbon trading system work? (via Climate Progress)

Big business fights Obama Administration’s calculations on carbon costs (via Grist)

California carbon allowances retreat to $12.30 as bearish sentiment grows (via Reuters Point Carbon)


China bans new coal-fired plants in 3 regions (via Houston Chronicle/AP)

Air pollution waiver may decide fate of Illinois coal plants (via St. Louis Post-Dispatch)


Solar-Energy Storage market to reach $2.8 billion by 2018 (via Energy Manager Today)

UK hits 1GW of installed offshore wind capacity (via RTCC)

Hydroelectric power makes big comeback at US dams (via Houston Chronicle/AP)

Report: $603 million in DOE biofuels funding fails to meet goals (via The Hill)

60GW of new hydropower projects pending approval by FERC (via Facts of the Day)

US solar PV grows 15% in second quarter (via EarthTechling)

California passes 600MW shared renewables program (via CleanTechnica)

South Carolina rural electrical cooperatives back solar farm (via The State)

California regulators say proposed large-scale solar project could harm eagles (via Greenwire)


Progress at UN climate cash talks sets stage for ministers (via Reuters Point Carbon)

Unprecedented rate and scale of ocean acidification found in Arctic (via

Never-released DOE report predicts increasing domestic conflicts over water, energy (via DeSmog Blog)

US tree migration is not keeping pace with warming (via Yale e360)

Kentucky governor stands up to climate deniers, defends teaching science (via Climate Progress)

Global warming’s denier elite (via Rolling Stone)


Canada touts carbon pollution cuts as Keystone XL pressure builds (via Houston Chronicle)


US federal buildings brace for deep energy retrofits (via EarthTechling)

A bid to “shame” building owners into energy efficiency (via National Journal)

While one Ohio utility fights efficiency, another embraces it (via Midwest Energy News)


Norway’s new government may bar oil firms from Arctic islands (via Reuters)

BP starts drilling at “giant” Gulf of Mexico oil field after spill setback (via Reuters)

Environmental groups bail on California fracking bill (via Huffington Post)

California fracking oversight bill nears final passage even as greens cancel support (via EnergyWire)


Can DOE build a better EV battery? (via Christian Science Monitor)

Bumps in the road as Hawaii plugs into EVs (via Plugin Cars)


Demand response hits a new record in PJM (via Greentech Media)

California proposes framework for energy storage procurement program (via Breaking Energy)

Texas shows transmission upgrade benefits for wind power (via Reuters)


US LNG exports will be higher than expected (via Reuters)


BG Group, Nestle, SAP named among world’s most sustainable companies (via BusinessGreen)

Millennials may not be as green as you think (via GreenBiz)

Why colleges should add green to their school colors (via BusinessGreen)


Senate panel explores US-Mexico offshore drilling deal (via The Hill)

US to pass Russia in liquid fuels production, says IEA (via Wall Street Journal)

California lawmakers move to reform state’s electricity rate structure (via Reuters)

Arizona regulators drop retail electricity deregulation push (via Houston Chronicle/AP)


Canada’s climate actions sharply diverge from government promises (via Energy Collective)

Global warming is very real (via Rolling Stone)

Don’t believe the coal industry’s warnings (via Bloomberg)

How solar remains attractive without key incentives in California (via Forbes)

How long before the Great Plains runs out of water? (via Washington Post)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 9.10.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Uganda aims to double power grid in four years (via Reuters)

HVDC: Key to revolutionizing the renewable energy grid (via Renewable Energy World)

Microgrids: Sandy forced cities to rethink power supply (via Climate Central)


Wastewater use to supplement world’s strained water supplies likely to increase (via ClimateWire)

Cost of battling massive Rim Wildfire hits $100 million (via Los Angeles Times)

New water plan could turn New Orleans into the next Amsterdam (via Climate Progress)


Barclays predicts another 13GW of wind will be built in 2013 (via Facts of the Day)

Targeting ethanol mandates seen hurting cellulosic growth (via Bloomberg)

Clean energy firms’ stock market values increase 18% in 2013 (via CleanTechnica)

Community renewables “could soar in the UK” (via Recharge)

Army adds wind power to $7 billion renewable energy buy (via CleanTechnica)

US West’s rush to renewables moves to under-used states (via Reuters)

Renewable power falls as Texas wind underperforms (via Houston Chronicle)

Pattern Energy Group launches $320 million wind power IPO (via Houston Chronicle)

Solar Decathlon 2013: Meet the teams (via


EPA has $45 million for all-of-the-above energy efficiency strategy (via Autoblog Green)

Three things driving energy efficiency in buildings today (via Breaking Energy)


Carmakers bearing down on EU emissions goals (via BusinessGreen)

Volkswagen electrifying all vehicle classes; 14 EV or hybrid models by 2014 (via Green Car Congress)

Virgin America falls below industry average on fuel performance standards (via The Guardian)


FIFA to offset 2014 World Cup’s 2.7 million metric tons of CO2 emissions (via Environmental Leader)

Industry to EPA on climate regulations: Let’s talk (via The Hill)

RGGI Northeast carbon auction raises $102.5 million (via Environmental Leader)


A climate alarm, too muted for some (via New York Times)

As distant Pacific islands flood, a climate-driven exodus to US grows (via ClimateWire)


IEA concerned about oil prices, rules out strategic stock release (via Reuters)

Global crude oil supply disruptions, strong demand support high oil prices (via US EIA)

OPEC sees well-supplied oil market, lower demand for its crude (via Bloomberg Businessweek)


European, Asian LNG buyers team to push cheaper prices (via Reuters)

Gulf of Mexico natural gas well secured several weeks after blow out (via Houston Chronicle)

Chesapeake terminates 13,000 acres of drilling leases in New York State (via Reuters)


Shaking pennies and fists against utility rate increases (via New York Times)


Why the Dutch are leading the way on sustainable business (via The Guardian)

Efficiency offers a glimmer of hope on energy in Washington (via Greentech Media)

Energy storage: From research to market (via Breaking Energy)

How green is a Tesla, really? (via Mother Jones)

What Australia’s election result means for carbon pricing (via Renew Economy)