Energy and Environment News Roundup – 1.7.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Natural disasters killed more, cost less worldwide in 2013 (via Huffington Post/AP)


Coal surge sullies Germany’s clean energy image (via Seattle Post-Intelligencer)

India’s coal imports rise 20 percent to help fuel new power plants (via Reuters)

The future of coal: Appalachia’s downturn sends miners west (via Wall Street Journal)

More coal plant retirements in New England? Perhaps not so fast (via Forbes)


EU urged to set 2030 renewable energy target by ministers (via The Guardian)

China’s CNOOC oil company selling wind, biofuels projects (via Thompson Reuters)

Mexico as bellwether for an unsubsidized solar future (via Greentech Media)

Wind emerges as Spain’s dominant power source in 2013 as emissions plummet (via BusinessGreen)

US consumer support for clean energy at highest level since 2010 (via CleanTechnica)

White House urged EPA restraint on 2014 RFS targets (via Greenwire)

NREL adds 5MW wind turbine test facility (via Energy Manager Today)


Fracking moratorium urged by California lawmakers (via Sacramento Bee)

Sen. Schumer presses for safer crude-by-rail shipments (via National Journal)


Nissan Leaf has record sales in 2013 as it challenges Volt for top EV spot (via Facts of the Day)

Plug-in vehicles: For utilities, more opportunity than challenge (via Navigant Research)

Jerry Brown seeks $250 million to boost California’s bullet train (via Los Angeles Times)


Polar vortex may be example of global warming (via Climate Central)

Everything you wanted to know about the polar vortex (via Climate Progress)


House Energy Committee to release report on natural gas exports (via The Hill)


First commercially operating Li-ion energy storage installation goes online in China (via Green Car Congress)

ISO-NE approves Northern Pass transmission line, other approvals needed (via Renewable Energy World)


Top ten markets for energy efficient-lighting (via Greentech Media)

Four reasons cities neglect energy efficiency (via Energy Manager Today)


Clean energy should do without special tax breaks (via Washington Post)

The clean energy economy in three charts (via

Canadian prime minister says Keystone XL pipeline will be approved (via Reuters)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 12.24.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Fitch Ratings: Net metering can destabilize entire utility industry (via CleanTechnica)

US pipeline safety agency says no to pipeline safety improvements (via Climate Progress)


Russian oil giant becomes first in world to pump oil Arctic (via Yale e360)

Landrieu could swing at export limits with energy gavel (via National Journal)


Global warming will intensify drought, says new study (via The Guardian)


Global geothermal industry passes 12GW operational capacity (via Green Car Congress)

Vestas to supply Middle East with first utility-scale wind project (via CleanTechnica)

If the US solar business is booming, why are solar jobs declining? (via Quartz)

Siemens puts weight behind US offshore wind (via EarthTechling)

Wood-pellet bonds show US biomass market expanding worldwide (via Renewable Energy World)

Catching rays in California, and storing them (via New York Times)

New York Green Bank to launch with $210 million in funding (via BusinessGreen)

The solar net metering battle moves to Colorado (via Greentech Media)

Solar energy projects finally getting boost in New York State (via Houston Chronicle/AP)

Wind farms in Maine stir a power struggle (via Wall Street Journal)


New efficiency rules for cable boxes could save enough energy to power 700,000 homes per year (via Climate Progress)


Japanese nuclear angst weighs on neighbors concerned about emissions (via Forbes)

Cleanup at Fukushima Daiichi might take three years (via The Hill)


US carbon emissions set to miss Obama’s targets (via Environmental Leader)


Americans are buying less electricity – that’s a big problem for utilities (via Washington Post)

Are utilities wilting from heat of solar competition? (via National Journal)

A biofuels holiday wish list (via The Energy Collective)

Have EVs already reached the tipping point? ABB says yes (via Green Car Reports)

Does merchant solar make any sense? (via Greentech Media)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 12.5.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


White House claims progress with China on climate, energy (via National Journal)

Feds to get earful on Renewable Fuels Standard today (via Houston Chronicle)


Australia’s carbon fund a windfall for big polluters – analysis (via Reuters)

Large companies prepared to pay price on carbon (via New York Times)

“You are here” – Perspective on 400ppm atmospheric CO2 (via Significant Figures)


Latin America report: Gauging Mexico’s wind energy market (via Renewable Energy World)

Soft costs, not hardware costs, now dominate solar installations (via Greentech Media)

Obama orders federal government to boost renewable energy use to 20% by 2020 (via AP)

15,000 new green jobs announced across America in 3Q 2013 (via CleanTechnica)

EPA fuel mandate imperils biofuel industry, producers warn (via The Hill)

Another battle looms in the endless ethanol war (via National Journal)

ALEC calls for penalties on “freerider” homeowners in solar energy assault (via The Guardian)

California regulators may challenge utilities for blocking hybrid solar-storage systems (via Greentech Media)

Texas has been biggest earner from federal wind tax credit, finds study (via Houston Chronicle)


UN’s new climate fund opens, but without enough cash (via Climate Progress)

What surprises could climate change have in store for us? (via Washington Post)

Australia’s $10 billion climate fund fights to stay in business (via Bloomberg)

Pennsylvania’s DEP secretary nominee does not view climate change as harmful (via StateImpact Pennsylvania)


Surge in petroleum exports narrows US trade gap (via National Journal)

America’s energy boom has been great for trade. Jobs, not so much. (via Washington Post)


Will Congress drive up gas taxes in 2014? (via Forbes)

US auto fuel efficiency up 23% since 2007 (via Facts of the Day)

Are electric car sales in a long-term holding pattern? (via Plugin Cars)

Can the government tax each mile you drive? (via National Journal)

EVs lose value faster than traditional new vehicles (via Autoblog Green)

Chevy Spark EV tops EPA fuel economy guide (via Environmental Leader)

California bullet train project handed another setback (via Los Angeles Times)


Smart grid investment to hit $275 billion in emerging markets by 2023 (via Renew Grid)

Report: Power plant retirements in New England may create problems (via New Haven Register)


Leaked document shows oil sands industry’s worst-case scenario has come to life (via InsideClimate News)

The deadly secret behind the Lac-Megantic oil train inferno (via Globe and Mail)


US Agriculture Department offers $250 million in rural efficiency loans (via The Hill)

How energy retrofits can reduce the cost of healthcare (via RMI Outlet)

Not your grandfather’s streetlights: LEDs light the way to energy savings (via GreenBiz)

Future grows dimmer for classic light bulb (via Houston Chronicle)


Clogged carbon sink: US public lands are source of 4.5x more carbon than they can absorb (via Center for American Progress)

Chevron and ALEC take on the big, bad Lesser Prairie Chicken (via Huffington Post)


Colorado cities sued for fracking bans by oil and gas group (via Bloomberg)


Sutley’s exit prompts questions about fate of CEQ, climate push (via Greenwire)

Ohio lawmaker vows battle over renewables and energy efficiency laws won’t stop (via Cleveland Plain Dealer)


Is a carbon tax the sensible alternative to subsidies? (via Energy Collective)

ALEC stands its ground (via Washington Post)

How Ivy League universities are failing us on climate change (via The Nation)

Why are CEOs struggling to prove sustainability value to investors? (via GreenBiz)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 9.30.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


The world’s climate scientists explain how to avoid drastic global warming – it’s not easy (via Washington Post)

History shows weather patterns may head north (via Climate Central)

Climate change study finds Australia suffers more than most G20 countries (via The Guardian)

Climate change pushing tropical trees upslope “exactly as predicted” (via Mongabay)

New climate action report: US can reach emissions reduction goal, but only with ambitious action (via WRI Insights)


In Canada’s North Atlantic, new oil frontier shows life beyond shale (via Reuters)

BP civil trial turns to how much oil reached Gulf of Mexico (via Houston Chronicle)


China to offer tax breaks to solar power manufacturers (via Reuters)

Citi analysts see $5.7 trillion renewables opportunity with no added grid costs (via Renew Economy)

Big solar now competing with wind energy on costs (via Renew Economy)

IKEA to sell solar panels at all UK stores (via Reuters)

NREL report: Savings from renewables would outweigh power plant cycling costs (via Renew Grid)

US tax credits to spur renewables seen set to end (via Bloomberg)

Renewable fuel mandate frees to be discussed in Congress (via Bloomberg)

Pattern IPO raises $352 million (via Recharge)

CFTC alleges $42 million ethanol futures fraud against bank (via Reuters)


China still leads the world in emissions, with no end in sight (via Grist)

Wyndham Worldwide slashes carbon footprint in 2012 (via Triple Pundit)


Gasoline pollution mandates delayed in US (via Houston Chronicle)

Nissan celebrates National Plug-In Day by announcing 35,000 US Leaf sales (via Autoblog Green)

California’s governor signs six bills to promote EVs (via Green Car Report)

Palo Alto, California mandates all new homes come EV-ready (via Plugin Cars)


Do efficiency standards create manufacturing jobs? (via Midwest Energy News)

DC’s upcoming energy benchmarking regulation (via Good)


The four layers of smart grid security (via SmartPlanet)


Is global warming the planet’s biggest problem? (via National Journal)

Carbon markets need global regulator to spur climate funding (via Bloomberg)

More good news on renewables integration (via EarthTechling)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 7.16.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Sea levels set for continuing rise in warming world (via Climate Central)

Study: sand dunes, coral reefs protect coasts against climate change (via The Hill)

Colorado wildfire costs insurers $292.8 million (via Bloomberg)

UMass researchers study link between allergies and global warming (via CBS News)

Evangelical scientists issue faith-base call for climate action (via Climate Progress)


BP looks to shave more money off Gulf oil spill fines tab (via Houston Chronicle)

Shell’s biggest oil platform heads for deep-water Gulf (via Houston Chronicle)

Alaskan voters will weigh in on tax cut for oil industry (via Stateline)

Exxon won’t disclose inspection results of ruptured Arkansas pipeline’s condition (via InsideClimate News)


China becomes first country to hit 3GW solar milestone (via CleanTechnica)

No quick end to EU-China solar trade war, says EPIA (via Recharge)

India tells wind farms to forecast power or face fines (via Panchabuta)

What’s next for the EU’s renewable energy targets? (via Renewable Energy World)

These maps show the best places to put solar and wind – it’s not where you think (via Washington Post)

Forest biomass loses in US Appeals Court ruling (via EarthTechling)

How much backup does wind power need? (via Reuters)


Australian PM replaces fixed-price carbon tax with cap-and-trade ahead of elections (via Washington Post)

Rising coal, falling gas jump US emissions by 280 million tons (via Facts of the Day)

Change in social cost of carbon under scrutiny (via Politico)


US to begin exporting fracked gas (via BBC News)

Fracking research: what’s behind EPA’s abandoned studies? (via Christian Science Monitor)


A guide to every hybrid car on sale in the US (via Green Car Reports)

Gasoline prices surge nationwide (via Houston Chronicle)

All of a sudden, Nissan doesn’t have enough Leafs to go around (via Autoblog Green)

Midwest gas prices would rise if Keystone pipeline is built (via Kansas City Star)

California high-speed rail to have net zero emissions (via CleanTechnica)


India declares 5,748 missing in Himalayan floods (via New York Times)

Perry renews drought disaster for much of Texas (via ABC News)

25 years after Exxon Valdez oil spill, company still hasn’t paid for long-term environmental damages (via Climate Progress)


Plans to boost US grid hampered by fragmented ownership (via Energy Manager Today)

Grid resiliency doesn't come cheap in New Jersey (via Greentech Media)


Oil industry launches new attack against ethanol mandate (via Reuters)

Canada’s train disaster could inspire new US regulations (via Houston Chronicle)

Low Great Lakes levels raise concerns for Midwest power plants (via Midwest Energy News)

Pennsylvania oil and gas industry caused 365 spills in 2012, but few fines levied (via StateImpact Pennsylvania)


US universities commit to graduate majors in green chemistry (via Sustainable Business)


White House, environmentalists met before renewable fuel program crop approval (via The Hill)

Conservative energy group launches anti-carbon tax campaign (via The Hill)

For McCarthy, it’s all over but the regulating (via The Hill)

Senate climate showdown takes shape (via The Hill)


From fixed price to ETS: the complications of reducing emissions (via Renew Economy)

10 ways wind power is beating fossil fuel in India (via GigaOm)

Is solar cheaper than grid electricity? Yes and no. (via Grist)

What we can learn from the electric vehicle shakeout (via GigaOm)

Solar power has gotten so good we can use it to power airplanes (via Washington Post)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 7.2.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


China’s CO2 growth has turned a corner (via Reuters)

EU ministers urge ETS yes vote (via Recharge)

EPA sends climate rule to White House (via Politico)

New Jersey may rejoin Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (via Bloomberg)


Saudi Arabia taps new oil areas in plan to preserve capacity (via Reuters)

Moniz: CO2 could enhance US oil production by millions of barrels a day (via Houston Chronicle)

Big lenders wary of following oil money to North Dakota (via Reuters)

Two major lawsuits filed against ExxonMobil for Arkansas tar sands spill (via DeSmog Blog)


California advances pioneering shared renewables bill (via Climate Progress)

Is anything stopping a massive build-out of desert solar? (via Scientific American)

Germany to add 6.5GW of renewable energy this year (via Recharge)

Can Europe meet its 2020 offshore wind targets? (via Renewable Energy World)

Rise in wind and solar expected to boost energy storage market (via Renew Grid)

Austin Energy adds 570MW to wind portfolio (via Renew Grid)

Tennessee public schools to generate nearly $1 million with solar (via Renewable Energy World)


Obama seeks to reassert US role in climate debate (via New York Times)

Ocean acidification threatens billion-dollar oyster business (via Climate Central)

Climate change driving more active El Nino cycles (via Yale e360)

Cities lead: preparing for climate change impacts (via EcoAffect)

The climate context behind the deadly Arizona wildfire (via Climate Central)

NRDC releases online tool to track local effects of climate change (via Inhabitat)


Natural gas exporters to defend pricing as courts reject oil link (via Houston Chronicle)

Natural gas production remains stable despite low price (via Houston Chronicle)


Electric vehicle drive motor revenue will surpass $2.8 billion annually by 2020 (via Navigant Research)

Airbus and Rolls-Royce to build plane powered by algae (via International Business Times)

Biodiesel production nears record output (via Facts of the Day)

Tesla officially gets behind White House petition to allow direct EV sales (via Autoblog Green)

DOE to award up to $13 million to four advanced biofuels projects (via Green Car Congress)


As China’s demand for coal soars, so does its water scarcity (via ClimateWire)

Deadly heat wave in the West brings fires and travel delays (via New York Times)

Experts see new normal as a hotter, drier West faces more huge fires (via New York Times)


Do green jobs come in any other color? (via Renewable Energy World)

Half of all US retail and hotel projects to be green buildings by 2015 (via CleanTechnica)

New coalition aims to accelerate sustainable purchasing (via Sustainable Industries)


Wireless control systems for smart buildings will reach nearly $295 million in annual revenue by 2020 (via Navigant Research)

8 surprising energy hogs in your home (via Greentech Media)


Obama says ravages of climate change is make-or-break issue (via AP)

Koch pledge tied to Congressional climate inaction (via The New Yorker)

Conservatives seek alternatives to climate denialism, come up short (via Grist)


Kevin Rudd needs to seize the moment on climate (via Renew Economy)

How Obama could approve Keystone (via National Journal)

Can Obama’s Africa power plan hold a candle to China? (via Reuters)

Ron Binz will continue FERC’s leadership toward a clean energy future (via Climate Progress)

New Jersey’s new development bill could endanger families, businesses, and first responders (via Climate Progress)