5 DIY Bath and Body Recipes

DIY Bath and Body Products: Homemade Sugar Scrub

Treat yourself right with these easy DIY bath and body recipes!

Shopping for bath and body products can be tricky. So many commercial beauty products contain questionable ingredients, and it can be tough to stay on top of what is and isn't safe, can't it? Instead of rolling the dice with bath and body products from the big box store, you can make your own with some of these DIY recipes!

1. DIY Sugar Scrub

With some kitchen ingredients and your favorite essential oil blend, you can whip up a homemade sugar scrub in minutes. The scrub pictured above there is one that I made using the Meditation Oil from Aura Cacia. It's my husband's favorite.

Click here for the tutorial!

2. Make Your Own Perfume or Cologne

You can use rubbing alcohol, like the recipe calls for, or substitute grain alcohol if you're not partial to rubbing alcohol. Either way, it's a simple recipe that's much cheaper and less toxic than store-bought colognes.

Click here for the tutorial!

DIY Deodorant

3. Homemade Deodorant

Check out my new favorite recipe for making deodorant with just a few ingredients! You can make it stick-style or lotion-style. The best part? No aluminum, triclosan, or other harmful ingredients here!

Click here for the tutorial!

4. DIY Bath Bombs

Nothing says decadent like a hot bath and a soothing bath bomb. The trouble is that those fizzy wonders usually include mystery ingredients to make them smell nice. Boo! Make your own bath bomb to skip the chemical fragrances.

Click here for the tutorial!

5. Sunburn Salve

Did you overdo it at the beach or by the pool? The faster you treat your sunburn, the lower your changes that the burn will do long-term damage to your skin and to your health. Soothe your sunburned skin naturally with a homemade salve.

Click here for the tutorial!

Do you have any favorite DIY bath and body recipes? Tell us about them in the comments!

5 DIY Beauty Recipes to Treat Yourself

Home made sugar scrub

Indulge in a little self-care with these DIY beauty recipes!

Self care means taking the time to do for yourself. We get so swept up in obligations and our day-to-day routine that sometimes we sacrifice our own mental health to get things done. When we neglect ourselves, we can become irritable, exhausted, and even make ourselves sick. Self care doesn't have to take a lot of time. It's just about stepping away - even for just 15-20 minutes - and doing something nice for ourselves. It could be enjoying a cup of fancy coffee, listening to a favorite podcast, taking a walk, or indulging in a little DIY beauty.

No matter what holiday you celebrate, this time of year is incredibly stressful. Even if you don't observe any of the December holidays, chances are lots of folks in your office do, so your work days have been hectic from being short-handed all month. Whether your stress comes from getting gifts together and dealing with family or from fighting holiday traffic, we all need a little self-care this time of year.

Check out these five beauty recipes to pamper yourself!

1.    DIY Bath Bomb - A hot bath is a great way to sneak away for a short time and relax, and a bath bomb really ups the luxury!

2.    Homemade Sugar Scrub - Treat your dry, winter skin to a decadent scrub that will leave you smelling and feeling great.


3.    Simple Homemade Oatmeal Face Scrub - Relax with a soothing oatmeal scrub!

4.    DIY Face Scrubs For Any Skin Type - If all of that holiday stress is making you break out, try choosing one of these face scrubs according to your skin type.

5.    Mint Sugar DIY Lip Scrub - We sometimes neglect our lips in our beauty routines, but they need a little care, just like the rest of our bodies! Lip scrub to the rescue!

What do you do to care for yourself when you feel a little overwhelmed? Let's share more self-care tips in the comments! My favorite way to treat myself is a warm bath or a nice long walk with a comedy podcast. Take that, stress!