Energy and Environment News Roundup – 4.17.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


EU to host industry talks ahead of setting 2030 climate goals (via Reuters)

Farmers seeking heat relief signal Brazil climate peril (via Bloomberg)

California drought/polar vortex jet stream pattern linked to global warming (via Weather Underground)


Is this the end of China’s coal boom? (via Climate Progress) 

North Carolina governor proposes new coal ash plan (via Citizen-Times/AP)


Yingli forms $160 million China solar project fund (via Recharge)

HSBC says wind and solar best picks in climate stocks (via Renew Economy)

Gaps linger between clean energy and bond market support, says report (via ClimateWire)

Feds to provide $4 billion in green energy support (via The Hill)

Obama to challenge private companies to boost solar power use (via Washington Post)

Just how off is EIA’s renewable energy outlook? How about 20+ years? (via CleanTechnica)

Solar disrupting wholesale energy markets (via Greentech Media)

Virginia’s largest rooftop solar array to be dedicated (via Washington Times/AP)

Meet the governor who crippled his state’s solar energy future (via EcoWatch)

Oklahoma will charge customers who install their own solar panels (via Climate Progress)


Beijing’s bid to move polluting firms watched warily in nearby regions (via Reuters)

Pope Francis urged to back fossil fuel divestment campaign (via The Guardian)

Alberta considers emissions rules to win support for oil (via Bloomberg)

California shows residents the greenhouse gas money (via Bloomberg BNA)


EU agrees to Putin’s call for natural gas security talks (via Reuters)

With white papers, EPA takes first step on potentially far-reaching methane regulations (via ClimateWire)

Leading states tacking fugitive emissions head on (via Breaking Energy)

States peering over the fence on fracking rules (via National Journal)

Andarko joins ad blitz to thwart Colorado fracking curbs (via Bloomberg)

Ohio state plan for earthquake monitoring worries drilling industry (via Columbus Business First)


Hydro-Quebec, Sony forming JV to develop large-scale energy storage for grids (via Green Car Congress)

Loan guarantees are back: DOE targets “catalytic” grid integration technology (via Greentech Media)

How synchrophasors are bringing America’s grid into the 21st century (via

California to utilities: Connect battery-solar systems to the grid (via Greentech Media)

SolarCity resumes applications for California batteries (via Bloomberg)


Industry opposes push to tighten oil field safety rules (via Houston Chronicle)

US Coast Guard, BP end “active cleanup” of Louisiana’s coast, nearly four years after spill (via Times-Picayune)

Is Gulf cleanup over or not? BP and Coast Guard differ. (via Washington Post)


Selling Teslas in China won’t do much for the environment (via MIT Technology Review)

Nissan will expand free charging incentive to 25 Leaf markets (via Autoblog Green)


One-degree thermostat change could save NYC buildings $145 million per year (via Energy Manager Today)

The link between home ownership and energy efficiency (via Navigant Research)


California water contracts can be challenged by green groups (via Bloomberg)

Water shortage divides Californians on solutions and blame (via Los Angeles Times)


Is a clean energy boom coming in 2014? (via Christian Science Monitor)

Utilities have four choices in solar revolution, and none are easy to swallow (via CleanTechnica)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 4.9.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


US used more energy in 2013 than 2012, but efficiency is up too (via National Geographic)

Grandfather utilities threatened by spreading renewables (via Bloomberg)

Sen. Wyden aims for energy parity in overhaul to “rotting” tax code (via E&E Daily)


414 cities report over 4,000 climate actions (via Sustainable Cities Collective)

El Nino odds seen at more than 70% as Pacific warms (via Bloomberg)

Data shows low snowpack years will happen more frequently in Pacific Northwest (via EarthFix)

Virginia governor to revive climate change panel (via San Francisco Chronicle/AP)


Renewable energy installations to rise 37% by 2015, says BNEF (via Bloomberg)

Enel Green sees Africa as “next big place” for renewables (via Bloomberg)

India’s solar power capacity tops 2.6GW (via CleanTechnica)

Solar, wind no longer face high capital costs, says Shah (via Bloomberg)

Solar jumps to 22% of new US generation capacity in 2013 (via Greentech Media)

Crowdfunding seen topping $5 billion for rooftop solar (via Bloomberg)

Fishermen’s Energy appeals BPU offshore wind project rejection (via Recharge)

Clean energy victory bond could generate $150 billion in financing, 1 million jobs (via Business Journals)


Duke Energy, North Carolina appeal coal ash ruling (via Bloomberg)


Greenhouse gases from thawing permafrost “accelerating global warming” (via International Business Times)

Many nations wary of extracting carbon from air to fix climate (via Reuters)

Shell, Unilever, 68 others seek 1 trillion-ton limit on CO2 output (via Bloomberg)

Chile plans to enact the first carbon tax in South America (via Climate Progress)

Utilities disagree on how EPA should regulate emissions (via Climate Central)

Carbon divestment activists claim victory as Harvard adopts green code (via The Guardian)


Fracking moratorium proposal advances in California State Senate (via Los Angeles Times)

Scientists, oil industry still probing fracking-earthquake link (via The Oklahoman)


Debunked: Hybrid vehicle myths and truths (via Breaking Energy)

GM investing $449 million for advanced EV and battery manufacturing (via Green Car Congress)


Toronto’s “Race to Reduce” garners 9% energy efficiency cut (via Energy Manager Today)

Indonesia gets world’s first net-zero energy skyscraper (via Sustainable Business)


5 market trends that will drive microgrids into the mainstream (via Greentech Media)


The geopolitical potential of the US energy boom (via Council on Foreign Relations)

How the US power grid is like a big pile of sand (via National Journal)

What made Vermont’s net metering expansion process so unique? (via Greentech Media)

If “value of solar” is optional, will Minnesota utilities adopt it? (via Midwest Energy News)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.28.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


IPCC report: Climate change felt “on all continents and across the oceans” (via The Guardian)

Sinking island nations battle tides of climate change (via Deutche Welle)

Facing rising seas, Bangladesh confronts climate change consequences (via New York Times)


Environmentalists debate impacts of LNG exports on global warming (via Greenwire)

Fracking the USA: New map shows 1 million oil, gas wells (via Climate Central)

Report says each Marcellus gas well costs thousands in road damage (via StateImpact Pennsylvania)


2013: Renewable energy’s best of times, worst of times (via CleanTechnica)

Future of Chile’s energy sector lies with renewables, shows new report (via Renewable Energy World)

Wind power “could yield €8.3 billion” for Ireland (via Recharge)

As solar prices fall, wind still finds a role in microgrids (via Navigant Research)

New US wind power projects fall 93% in 2013 (via The Hill)

As net metering battles move to small markets, solar advocates claim early victories (via Energy Collective)

Solar “net metering” extended by California regulators (via San Francisco Chronicle)

California utility PG&E exceeds 20% renewable energy standard (via Greentech Media)

BOEM to hold competitive Maryland offshore wind energy lease auction this summer (via Recharge)

Waste-to-energy could help Wisconsin expand sustainable energy (via Journal-Sentinel)

Kansas flirts with repeal of renewable energy standard (via EnergyWire)

Virginia awards $860,000 in offshore wind research (via Virginian-Pilot)


RGGI announces 2015 CO2 allocation (via Environmental Leader)


One year after Exxon’s Arkansas spill, basic questions still unanswered (via InsideClimate News)


EVs, plug-ins already saving 45 million gallons of gasoline per year in US (via Autoblog Green)


North Carolina inspectors failed to notice crack before coal ash spill (via The Guardian)


Water, wildlife surge back into once-parched Colorado River delta (via Los Angeles Times)

US lists lesser prairie chicken as threatened, energy groups wary (via Reuters)


Ohio GOP drafts plan to freeze state’s renewable, energy efficiency rules (via Columbus Dispatch)

Indiana governor lets energy efficiency program expire (via Indianapolis Star)


Can evolution outrace climate change? (via FiveThirtyEight)

Spring training, and Spring, starting way earlier than usual (via Bloomberg)

Three utilities most likely to fall in death spiral, via Morningstar (via Forbes)

How distributed energy resources affect US capacity markets (via Solar Industry)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.27.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Spain’s oil deposits and fracking trigger energy gold rush (via The Guardian)

US now producing 10% of world’s crude oil (via The Hill)

New York State seeks more data on crude oil rail operations (via New York Times)

Battle begins over plan to send oil trains through California cities (via Climate Progress)


UK’s big six utilities face competition probe (via Bloomberg)

FERC orders gas and electricity suppliers to work together (via Reuters)


Citigroup says “Age of Renewables” has begun (via Renew Economy)

Global solar deployment edged out wind in 2013 (via Solar Industry)

New wind power blows UK green electricity to record levels (via BusinessGreen)

Renewable energy starts 2014 off strong in US (via Renew Grid)

Study finds wind power cost competitive with natural gas in US (via

New US wind power installations plummet 93% in 2013 (via Houston Chronicle)

US solar market grappling with impact of federal tax credit expiration (via Greentech Media)

Kansas Senate approves bill ending renewable energy standards (via Kansas City Star)

Solar turf wars: NRG Energy buys roof diagnostics, Sunrun allies with Sungevity (via Greentech Media)

Watch how fast wind farms spread across the US (via Climate Central)


New UN IPCC report is cautious on making climate predictions (via Yale e360)

No pause in global sea level rise (via Scientific American)

Disasters led to $45 billion in global insurance losses in 2013 (via ABC News/AP)

Report says climate change is world’s “gravest security threat” (via RTCC)

Top scientists say global warming caused record Australian heatwave (via The Telegraph)

2013: Extreme weather, extreme damage in US (via Center for American Progress)

Obama talks climate change in new Showtime documentary (via Huffington Post)


Trade deal would ease US natural gas exports to Europe (via Reuters)

Fracking’s earthquake risks push states to collaborate (via Bloomberg)

Keystone XL battle plan may not fit enviros’ fight against LNG exports (via E&E Daily)


China’s rivers at the brink of collapse (via Huffington Post)

Big challenges for reclamation of ravaged tar sands lands (via Yale e360)

House GOP wants to make it nearly impossible for Obama to create new national monuments (via National Journal)

USGBC wants all students educated on sustainability by 2040 (via GreenBiz)

Poll: Californians cutting water use amid drought (via San Francisco Chronicle)


Poll finds support for more coal ash regulation in North Carolina (via News Observer)


Modern diesels pollute over 20% less than those from 10 years ago (via Autoblog)

100% drop-in aviation biofuels “closer” to reality (via Renewable Energy World)

US high-speed rail gets a boost with 32-train order for Siemens (via CleanTechnica)


Germany’s $2.8 billion transmission link with Norway threatened (via Bloomberg)


New Zealand’s “Kyoto forests” sow the seeds for a massive emissions surge (via The Guardian)

Have we reached the clean energy tipping point? (via GreenBiz)

Is a super El Nino coming to shatter extreme weather and global temperature records? (via Climate Progress)

Here’s why British Columbia’s carbon tax is so popular and effective (via Grist)

How the US natural gas boom just caused more US coal exports (via Climate Progress)

Why Nest’s valuation is higher than Opower’s: Hardware, consumers, homes (via GigaOm)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.26.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Atmospheric CO2 concentrations hit 400ppm 2 months early this year (via ClimateWire)

Visualizing the global carbon budget (via WRI Insights)

Christie administration improperly pulled NJ out of RGGI (via Bergen Record)


EPA proposes greater protections for streams, wetlands under Clean Water Act (via Washington Post)


US energy efficiency programs cost 2 cents per kilowatt-hour saved (via CleanTechnica)


Japan cuts subsidy for solar power, boosts offshore wind (via Bloomberg)

India could cut wind farm subsidies by up to 78% (via Bloomberg)

UK’s offshore wind vital amid Russian tensions, says energy secretary (via The Guardian)

Greece proposes more cuts to renewable energy feed-in tariff (Renewable Energy World)

China loses rare earth export trade dispute, says US (via Reuters)

Siemens to invest $264 million in UK wind turbine manufacturing project (via New York Times)

Top 50 PV module manufacturers to add 10GW in module capacity in 2014 (via Greentech Media)

Solar extends net metering win streak with Vermont decision (via PR Newswire)

California will enable residential PACE through property tax bill (via Solar Industry)

Solar rivals Sungevity, Sunrun form alliance (via San Francisco Chronicle)


US expands gas exports in bid to punish Putin for Crimea (via The Guardian)


UN climate science report will highlight “limits to adaptation” (via RTCC)

Asia’s great cities face rising flooding risks in warming world (via RTCC)

UK Met Office: Deadly heat wave summers to become the norm by 2040 (via The Independent)


Kremlin oil partnership places BP at risk in Russia crisis (via Bloomberg)

Crimea crisis pushes Russian energy to China from Europe (via Bloomberg)

Transport limits causing “serious logistical challenge” for shale boom (via Houston Chronicle)

Exxon, PHMSA withholding key documents on Pegasus pipeline as restart nears (via InsideClimate News)

BP confirms oil spill into Lake Michigan from refinery (via Chicago Tribune)

Ohio pipeline spill twice as large as original estimate (via Climate Progress)


Volvo testing flywheel energy capture with 25% fuel savings (via Green Car Reports)


House votes to stop Obama’s new coal mining rules (via The Hill)

Duke Energy: Cleaning up coal ash “is going to take time” (via The State)


Where will the next $400 billion in grid investment come from? (via Greentech Media)

Energy storage hits the rails in California and Nevada (via ClimateWire)


Why climate change will make mudslides more common (via Salon)

Grid parity: Why electric utilities should struggle to sleep at night (via Washington Post)

PACE financing for California’s clean energy future: Expanding the residential market (via Breaking Energy)

Hot air about American natural gas won’t scare Putin (via Council on Foreign Relations)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.25.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Netherlands to stop funding overseas coal power plants (via RTCC)

EPA’s coal ash rule still not done (via Politico)

Supreme Court declines to hear Arch Coal mining permit case against EPA (via Reuters)

Coal ash pods: How power companies get a “bypass” on pollution regulations (via National Geographic)

EPA joins North Carolina in probe of coal ash spill (via The Hill)


Japan approves 2014-2015 renewable energy FiT rates (via Recharge)

Italy, Spain, Germany hit commercial solar grid parity in 2013 (via CleanTechnica)

India may see slow growth in new solar capacity additions (via Panchabuta)

Developers register 12GW potential Brazil wind projects for June auction (via Recharge)

Kenya’s 300MW Lake Turkana wind farm to break ground in June (via Renewables Biz)

Solar PV industry targets 100GW annual deployment in 2018 (via Solar Industry)

Mercom Capital forecasts 46GW new solar in 2014 (via Solar Industry)

Greenwood Biosar completes Panama’s first utility-scale solar power plant (via CleanTechnica)

Morgan Stanley: Going off grid nears tipping point (via Renew Economy)

FERC issues license for tidal energy pilot project in Pacific Northwest (via Renew Grid)

Feds clearing path for Pacific wave energy test (via Houston Chronicle)

Cape Wind update: A big legal victory and another legal challenge (via Greentech Media)

Maryland seeks global offshore wind role (via Recharge)

Koch-funded groups fuel assault on Kansas clean energy law (via Climate Progress)

New Jersey’s offshore wind goals up in the air after project rejection (Renewable Energy World)


Southern leg of Keystone XL pipeline reaches capacity ahead of schedule (via The Oklahoman)

Not building Keystone XL will leave a billion barrels of bitumen in the ground (via Energy Collective)


New study reveals workings of China’s pilot emissions cap-and-trade systems (via Triple Pundit)

China’s Hubei province to launch carbon market on April 2 (via Reuters)

China’s Shenzen says carbon market had 10% surplus in first year (via Reuters)

As listener and saleswoman, EPA chief takes to the road for climate rules (via New York Times)

States aren’t shying away from regulating carbon emissions from power plants (via Bloomberg BNA)


DOE approves natural gas export terminal (via The Hill)

North Dakota gas flaring doubles, pumping CO2 into air (via Climate Central)


UN official: Countries on track to reach 2015 global climate treaty (via The Hill)

EU delays 2030 climate package decision until October (via RTCC)

WMO: Global warming not stopped, will go on for centuries (via Reuters)

Climate change could leave another 50 million people facing hunger by 2050 (via The Guardian)

UN says 13 of 14 hottest years on record occurred since 2000 (via BusinessGreen)

Weather extremes “consistent” with manmade climate change, says UN (via Agence France-Presse)


Houston Channel closed as 24 vessels skim 4,000-barrel oil spill (via Bloomberg)

Galveston Bay oil spill will take economic, ecological toll (via Texas Tribune)


VW chairman says component cost decreases keep him confident of EV success (via Autoblog Green)

How four states are trying to woo Tesla Motors’ gigafactory (via Autoblog Green)

Ford: Baby boomers leading trend to compact utility vehicles (via Green Car Congress)


FERC Order 1000 has its day in court (via Renewable Energy World)

Southwest Power Pool launches wholesale energy marketplace (via Energy Manager Today)

Car companies take expertise in battery power beyond the garage (via New York Times)


WHO links 7 million premature deaths annually to air pollution; 12.5% total global deaths (via Green Car Congress)

China says polluting industry still growing too fast (via Reuters)

China aims to launch national pollution permit market within three years (via Reuters)

Brazil desperately seeking solutions to worst drought in decades (via The Guardian)

Water scarcity drives US communities toward smarter use, recycling (via Bloomberg)


By 2020, LEDs may rival incandescent bulbs in cost without rebates (via Greentech Media)

LBNL calculates “cost of saved energy” from efficiency programs (via Energy Manager Today)

Opower sets IPO price range at $17-19, could raise $110 million (via GigaOm)


Green groups spend $5 million to defend three Democrats (via Wall Street Journal)

Mary Landrieu is paying – and getting paid big – for her global warming stance (via National Journal)


“War on coal” isn’t the real reason your utility rates will rise (via Triple Pundit)

Why you shouldn’t applaud Exxon’s decision to disclose climate risks (via Climate Progress)

Galveston oil spill: Does US oil boom mean more spills? (via Christian Science Monitor)

Steven Chu solves utility companies’ death spiral (via Forbes)

Maybe transit isn’t surging after all (via Atlantic Cities)

Watts the mystery? The energy units that power our lives. (via Smart Planet)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.17.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Trust deficit blocking progress at UN climate talks (via RTCC)

Study says climate change accelerating Greenland’s ice loss (via Time)

Latin American nations agree to combat climate change (Fox News Latino)

Study: Climate impacts to hit crop yields starting in 2030s (via BusinessGreen)

Wyoming first state to block new national science standards (via Star-Tribune)


EU struggles to convince US to export gas under trade pact (via Reuters)


Clean energy created nearly 80,000 green jobs in America during 2013 (via CleanTechnica)

DOE forms six wind energy resource centers (via Recharge)

And the future of residential solar is…up for grabs (via Renewable Energy World)

Huge win for Cape Wind offshore wind farm (via CleanTechnica)

Poll shows strong support for net metering in Florida (via Renew Grid)


IEA raises 2014 oil demand estimate as world economy recovers (via Bloomberg)

OPEC production surges as Iraq pumps most in 35 years, says IEA (via Bloomberg)

Norway’s oil stimulus nears tipping point as growth fades (via Bloomberg Businessweek)

EIA report: Efficiency driving shale production growth (via Houston Chronicle)

Onshore oil production on public lands grows as gas continues slide (via Greenwire)


Nissan on track to beat 2020 EV sales target? (via Green Car Reports)


NASA-funded study: Industrial civilization headed for “irreversible collapse?” (via The Guardian)

Growing evidence that autism is linked to pollution (via Time)

California drought expected to drive up US food prices (via Journal Star)

California firefighters, residents bracing for long fire season (via Contra Costa Times)


Merkel’s green push sinks Germany coal profits (via Bloomberg)

North Carolina coal ash spill cleanup will take two years, says Duke Energy (via Huffington Post/AP)


Trade concern limits rich-nation effort to cut carbon (via Bloomberg)

Latest EPA greenhouse gas inventory may not reflect full scope of oil and gas emissions (via Breaking Energy)


Better Buildings Challenge draws record participants (via Energy Manager Today)

Who’s behind the effort to kill Indiana’s efficiency law? (via Midwest Energy News)


In midterm elections, a battle of billionaires (via The Hill)


China wakes up to its environmental catastrophe (via Council on Foreign Relations)

Can the US military save us from climate change? (via GreenBiz)

Billionaires with big ideas are privatizing American science (via New York Times)

The misplaced emphasis on extreme weather in climate communication (via Washington Post)

Bill Gates explains how to save the planet (via Rolling Stone)

Why nothing will happen on oil by rail safety (via DeSmogBlog)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.14.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Crude oil shipments by rail increased 83 percent in 2013 (via New York Times)

BP regains ability to bid on leases for US land and water (via Washington Post)

Report: Fracking could raise earthquake risks in California (via Houston Chronicle)

Average pump price passes $3.50 for first time in 6 months (via Houston Chronicle)


Research: China’s “war on smog” won’t cut CO2 by much (via RTCC)

Social cost of carbon greatly underestimated, says report (via Climate Central)


Norway’s oil fund may inject $40 billion in renewables (via Renew Economy)

Mexico boosts appeal as emerging solar market (via Solar Industry Magazine)

The burden of permitting, inspection, and interconnection on residential solar PV deployment (via Energy Collective)

California’s grid sets two new solar energy records in two days (via CleanTechnica)

Xcel Energy awards $42 million for development of renewable energy projects (via Renew Grid)

US seeks comments on Virginia offshore wind (via Recharge)

It’s official: Efficiency, clean energy can help fill California’s nuclear generation gap (via Renewable Energy World)

Panasonic looks to California for solar-storage integration lessons (via Greentech Media)


Beyond the hype, Keystone would yield few permanent jobs (via Reuters)

Keystone debate rages in Senate over health, climate effects (via Houston Chronicle)

Kerry says he hasn’t prejudged Keystone XL (via The Hill)

Markey wants Keystone XL oil to stay in US (via The Hill)

Dems grapple with dilemma on Keystone XL (via Washington Post)


SEC’s role in climate change (via The Hill)

Technology needed to combat climate change, says Murkowski (via Bloomberg)

Here’s what the Chamber of Commerce thinks about global warming (via National Journal)


16% of natural gas consumed in Europe flows through Ukraine (via US EIA)

Experts see cheaper way to turn natural gas into fuels (via Reuters)

Stakes high in mystery over Ohio fracking, quakes (via Columbus Dispatch)


Emails link Duke Energy and North Carolina regulators (via New York Times)

North Carolina rejects Duke’s coal ash plan, amid leniency accusations (via News & Observer)

Utility quietly buying up homes near Wisconsin coal plant on groundwater pollution fears (via Journal-Sentinel)

18 Ohio coal power plans operating with expired pollution permits (via Columbus Dispatch)


Climate change showdown in Florida governor’s race (via InsideClimate News)

Hanger withdraws from Pennsylvania governor’s race (via StateImpact Pennsylvania)


Russia picks an odd time to put on climate halo (via Bloomberg)

Are US infrastructure needs truly urgent? (via New York Times)

How risky is investing in oil stocks? (via CleanTechnica)

Five things we learned from the Keystone XL Senate hearing (via Climate Progress)

Fourth time’s the charm on climate change for Chamber of Commerce (via National Journal)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.12.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


NASA warns global warming could be 20% higher than previous estimates (via RTCC)

Climate change not a top US worry, finds poll (via The Hill)

Keeling Curve in danger of budget cuts (via Weather Underground)


Italian judge blames coal plant for hundreds of deaths, forces it to close (via Huffington Post)

Duke CEO: Customers should pay to empty coal ash ponds (via Environmental Leader)


100GW solar PV market in 2018, forecasts NPD Solarbuzz (via Recharge)

IEA: High renewable energy market penetration is feasible in any country (via CleanTechnica)

Latin America is emerging as a force in solar: Here’s what early developers have learned (via Greentech Media)

4.58GW of solar PV added in Japan (via CleanTechnica)

GE to supply 213MW of turbines for European wind farms (via Bloomberg)

Wind Production Tax Credit “dead” in Congress this year (via Bloomberg)

US homeowners, especially Republicans, want to be able to choose clean energy (via Climate Progress)

Minnesota regulators set to decide on solar tariff formula (via EnergyWire)

Automatic self-optimization of wind turbines (via

Cincinnati City Council debates buying green energy (via Cincinnati Business Courier)


Keystone XL southern leg having major effect on US oil hub (via Houston Chronicle)

Experts: Keystone XL may create fewer jobs than most expect (via US News & World Report)

Unions: Keystone review “reeks of politics” (via The Hill)


Nine Chinese cities suffered more severe smog days than Beijing (via The Guardian)

Poor nations need financing to cut carbon emissions, says China (via Bloomberg)

For EPA’s global warming rules, will “next year” mean “never”? (via National Journal)


US oil boom fuels rail industry resurgence (via Christian Science Monitor)

US refiners form lobby against easing crude export limits (via Reuters)

Moody’s: Many US oil companies on investors’ hit list (via Houston Chronicle)

North Dakota oil boom puts pressure on Great Plains farmers (via Huffington Post/Stateline)


California drought dries up hydro but power stays on (via National Geographic)

NY regulator, ConEd embrace plan to climate-proof power grid (via InsideClimate News)

After failing in EVs, Coda Energy pursues no-money-down energy storage (via Greentech Media)


16 countries’ regulatory bodies have changed policy in response to Fukushima (via US GAO)

Three years after Fukushima, Japan makes U-turn on nuclear (via Christian Science Monitor)

US nuclear agency hid concerns, hailed safety record as Fukushima melted (via NBC News)


Ohio looks at whether fracking led to two quakes (via New York Times)


How talking about climate change might actually help Democrats win elections (via Washington Post)

Clinton Keystone dodge prompts donors to rethink support (via Bloomberg)


Four reasons why the fight against climate change is likely to fail (via Washington Post)

Japan’s energy dilemma, in one chart (via Washington Post)

All you need to know about BC’s carbon tax shift in five charts (via Sightline)

China builds bridges to US EV market (via Navigant Research)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.7.14

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Carbon-taxed companies cut emissions by 7% in the past year (via The Guardian)

EPA chief won’t commit to refinery carbon emissions rule (via National Journal)

EPA chief: Power plant rules won’t “put the brakes on business” (via Houston Chronicle)


Drilling for certainty: The latest in fracking health studies (via ProPublica)

Report to US government concludes FracFocus shields too much information from public (via Houston Chronicle)

Decisions on LNG exports up to Energy Department, says White House (via Reuters)


Japan may set higher offshore wind subsidy, reduce solar tariff (via Bloomberg)

Ghana to add 600MW of solar plants, 300MW solar panel factory (via TreeHugger)

Wind power continues to grow as source of American electricity (via United Press International)

Largest US grid operator could switch to 30% renewables with no ill effects, says study (via EnergyWire)

How the military is (indirectly) fueling the solar industry (via Renewable Energy World)

Solar venture capital is down but still on the make (via Solar Industry Magazine)

US states boosting wind energy output, pipeline filling up (via Renewable Energy World)


New poll: Keystone Xl project overwhelmingly favored by Americans (via Washington Post)

Pro-Keystone XL ad airs in White House video feed (via Politico)


China calls on rich nations to give $490 billion in climate funding to poorer nations (via Bloomberg)

China’s “war on pollution” may end up accelerating global warming (via Quartz)

US infrastructure threatened by climate change poses “a national crisis” (via ClimateWire)


BP refinery seen skirting US oil export ban (via Bloomberg)

E85 fueling station availability increasing, now 2% of all US locations (via US EIA)


NOAA issues El Nino watch for summer and fall 2014 (via Weather Underground)

Rains ease California drought, make wildfire outlook grimmer (via Climate Central)

Judge rules Duke must immediately stop polluting North Carolina groundwater (via Climate Progress)


Your utility bill is going up – and there’s nothing you can do about it (via National Journal)

Batteries may vie with US oil boom as energy changer (via Bloomberg)


Why Putin is bad news for fracking (via Salon)

Experts: Solar will live, even when subsidies die (via Houston Chronicle)

Why Russia needs to sell natural gas more than EU needs to buy it (via Christian Science Monitor)

Harry Reid: “Climate change is worst problem facing the world today” (via Huffington Post)