Energy and Environment News Roundup – 6.5.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


China sticks to carbon-intensity target, dismisses CO2 cap (via Bloomberg)

UK decarbonization target narrowly defeated in legislature (via The Guardian)

Congress hates carbon pricing – the rest of the world doesn’t (via Washington Post)


Climate change and Keystone XL: the numbers behind the debate (via Energy Collective)

Scientists tell State Department key parts of Keystone review are “without merit” (via InsideClimate News)

API says State Department considering Keystone hearing in Washington, DC (via The Hill)

TransCanada digging up defective segments of new pipeline, angering landowners in Texas (via InsideClimate News)


Renewable energy investments in Middle East and North Africa grew 40% in 2012 (via Recharge)

EU solar tariffs may spur short-term imports as deal is sought (via Bloomberg)

EU imposes provisional 11.8% tariffs on Chinese solar imports (via Greentech Media)

Mining-dependent Mongolia pushes renewables as climate change hits (via Reuters)

UK government considers plans to compensate homes near wind farms (via BusinessGreen)

Wine industry dragged into EU-China solar trade war (via BusinessGreen)

New hybrid wind-solar technology could change the future of renewables (via

Offshore wind projects to advance as US sets auction (via Bloomberg)

EPA tool determines viability of solar projects on contaminated sites (via The Good Human)

San Francisco, San Jose dominate ranking of clean tech cities (via San Jose Mercury News)


Germany drops fracking law until after September’s election (via Reuters)


US Forest Service tells Congress climate change causing longer wildfire season (via The Guardian)


The billion-dollar smart grid storm and summer spending surge (via Greentech Media)

As energy picture changes, Midwest grid operator considers a longer outlook (via Midwest Energy News)

California takes the lead in using batteries for grid storage (via Green Car Reports)

5MW energy storage system headlines Oregon smart grid project (via Renew Grid)

Siemens installing America’s first regenerative energy storage unit (via CleanTechnica)


Large oil firms hit record US spending in 2012 as profits drop (via Houston Chronicle)


United Airlines planes to fly on advanced biofuel (via Houston Chronicle)

Tesla loses fight to set up its own dealers in Texas (via Autoblog)


EPA says US water infrastructure needs $384 billion upgrade (via Los Angeles Times)

When will the Texas drought end? (via StateImpact Texas)


Walgreens building net zero energy store outside Chicago (via New York Times)


GOP attacks landmark offshore wind power plan (via Houston Chronicle)

House panel erupts over Endangered Species Act debate (via The Hill)

Dim GOP enthusiasm for cap-and-trade bill in 2009 even dimmer now (via E&E Daily)


Imagining power utilities for the 21st century (via Grist)

Nuclear energy and my Greenpeace conundrum (via Energy Collective)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 6.3.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


World Bank finds 60 carbon pricing systems in place or in development (via CleanTechnica)

Beijing adding pollution tax to gas prices by next year (via Autoblog Green)

Higher CO2 levels cause “greening” from plant fertilization effect (via Mongabay)


British Columbia says no to Northern Gateway pipeline on oil spill concerns (via The Globe and Mail)

Another major tar sands pipeline seeking US permit (via InsideClimate News)

Keystone builder “extremely confident” Obama will approve it (via The Hill)

All sides pressing John Kerry on Keystone XL (via Boston Globe)


US now most attractive market for renewables, says Ernst & Young (via Renewable Energy World)

Japanese domestic solar shipments soar (via Recharge)

Ontario replacing large-scale FIT with competitive procurements process (via Renew Grid)

Utility Xcel proposes total of 30% wind across its generation system (via Denver Post)

New Jersey utility PSE&G spending half a billion on solar (via Renew Grid)


In Alaska, planned mine pits salmon against gold (via Politico)

NOAA ends weather forecast furloughs as tornadoes strike Oklahoma (via The Hill)

Fracking tests ties between California oil and agriculture interests (via New York Times)

82% of California native fish species risk extinction from climate change (via Sacramento Bee)


Oil executives tune out the call of the wild Arctic (via Reuters)

OPEC to study US shale boom on member concerns (via Houston Chronicle)

Oil fields under olive groves offer Italy an economic boost (via Bloomberg)

Canadian refineries importing US crude at 4 times historic levels (via Houston Chronicle)

China’s plastic bag ban saves 6 million tons of oil in 5 years (via China Daily)

Kinder Morgan shelves plans for Texas-to-California oil pipeline (via Houston Chronicle)


EPA exploring negative environmental effects of li-ion EV batteries (via Autoblog Green)

Nissan Leaf hits 10,000-unit sales mark in Europe (via Green Car Congress)

Bosch sees 180-mile EVs as minimum by 2020 (via Autoblog Green)

Musk says fourth Tesla vehicle to be small electric SUV (via Bloomberg)

Combining EVs with smart grid technology can halve charging costs (via Climate Progress)

Range anxiety frustrating EVs with charger disconnect (via Bloomberg)

Florida repeals state renewable fuel standard (via Green Car Congress)

Car2Go comes to Denver with 300 Smart Fortwo vehicles (via Autoblog Green)


Climate envoys urged to draft plan B on failure of global temperature target (via Bloomberg)

Rainforests will survive extreme global warming, says study (via Mongabay)

Rate of ocean warming greater than previous estimates (via RTCC)

Colorado getting a climate change czar (via CBS/AP)


Vehicle-to-grid emerges in new deployments (via Navigant Research)

Energy storage gets a boost in California (via Navigant Research)


3 big energy efficiency stories you should know about (via Greentech Media)

Infographic: LEED buildings in the world (via USGBC)


Global game-changers in energy and climate (via National Journal)

America isn’t a clean-energy leader (via National Journal)

Tesla’s a success – so what? (via Greenwire)

The climate change guilt trip (via Los Angeles Times)

Is rail-bound crude oil a disaster waiting to happen? (via EnergyWire)

Silicon Valley is now paying even less attention to climate change and that sucks (via GigaOm)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 6.3.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


World Bank finds 60 carbon pricing systems in place or in development (via CleanTechnica)

Beijing adding pollution tax to gas prices by next year (via Autoblog Green)

Higher CO2 levels cause “greening” from plant fertilization effect (via Mongabay)


British Columbia says no to Northern Gateway pipeline on oil spill concerns (via The Globe and Mail)

Another major tar sands pipeline seeking US permit (via InsideClimate News)

Keystone builder “extremely confident” Obama will approve it (via The Hill)

All sides pressing John Kerry on Keystone XL (via Boston Globe)


US now most attractive market for renewables, says Ernst & Young (via Renewable Energy World)

Japanese domestic solar shipments soar (via Recharge)

Ontario replacing large-scale FIT with competitive procurements process (via Renew Grid)

Utility Xcel proposes total of 30% wind across its generation system (via Denver Post)

New Jersey utility PSE&G spending half a billion on solar (via Renew Grid)


In Alaska, planned mine pits salmon against gold (via Politico)

NOAA ends weather forecast furloughs as tornadoes strike Oklahoma (via The Hill)

Fracking tests ties between California oil and agriculture interests (via New York Times)

82% of California native fish species risk extinction from climate change (via Sacramento Bee)


Oil executives tune out the call of the wild Arctic (via Reuters)

OPEC to study US shale boom on member concerns (via Houston Chronicle)

Oil fields under olive groves offer Italy an economic boost (via Bloomberg)

Canadian refineries importing US crude at 4 times historic levels (via Houston Chronicle)

China’s plastic bag ban saves 6 million tons of oil in 5 years (via China Daily)

Kinder Morgan shelves plans for Texas-to-California oil pipeline (via Houston Chronicle)


EPA exploring negative environmental effects of li-ion EV batteries (via Autoblog Green)

Nissan Leaf hits 10,000-unit sales mark in Europe (via Green Car Congress)

Bosch sees 180-mile EVs as minimum by 2020 (via Autoblog Green)

Musk says fourth Tesla vehicle to be small electric SUV (via Bloomberg)

Combining EVs with smart grid technology can halve charging costs (via Climate Progress)

Range anxiety frustrating EVs with charger disconnect (via Bloomberg)

Florida repeals state renewable fuel standard (via Green Car Congress)

Car2Go comes to Denver with 300 Smart Fortwo vehicles (via Autoblog Green)


Climate envoys urged to draft plan B on failure of global temperature target (via Bloomberg)

Rainforests will survive extreme global warming, says study (via Mongabay)

Rate of ocean warming greater than previous estimates (via RTCC)

Colorado getting a climate change czar (via CBS/AP)


Vehicle-to-grid emerges in new deployments (via Navigant Research)

Energy storage gets a boost in California (via Navigant Research)


3 big energy efficiency stories you should know about (via Greentech Media)

Infographic: LEED buildings in the world (via USGBC)


Global game-changers in energy and climate (via National Journal)

America isn’t a clean-energy leader (via National Journal)

Tesla’s a success – so what? (via Greenwire)

The climate change guilt trip (via Los Angeles Times)

Is rail-bound crude oil a disaster waiting to happen? (via EnergyWire)

Silicon Valley is now paying even less attention to climate change and that sucks (via GigaOm)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 3.28.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


IMF: Get rid of $1.9 trillion in energy subsidies to fight climate change (via Washington Post)

Oil and electricity: a compare-and-contrast tale of two regulators (via McClatchy)

Sequestration forces Interior to cut mineral revenue payments to states (via EnergyWire)


Battle widens over oil pipelines from Canada through Midwest (via Minnesota Star-Tribune)

Train derailment spills 30,000 gallons of Canadian crude in Minnesota (via Reuters)

Suncor Energy cancels troubled Alberta tar sands project (via Vancouver Sun)

US to hold Keystone pipeline hearing in Nebraska (via


Solar, wind to push renewables to 36% of global cumulative installed capacity by 2020 (via EnergyNext)

Global solar PV installations to reach 200GW by 2015 (via EnergyNext)

China raising PV prices on European exports (via Recharge)

Japan to increase offshore wind capacity to 40x current level by 2020 (via EnergyNext)

UK boosts renewables share of power generation to 11.3% (via Recharge)

Rwanda to start $27 million geothermal development (via Renewable Energy World)

We’re number one: US installed most wind power in 2012, US company GE Wind is top supplier (via Climate Progress)

NREL study: securitization could cut solar LCOE 16% (via Greentech Media)

New organic solar cells process sunlight as plants do (via Mother Nature Network)

Study: Midwesterners open to wind farms, especially in rural areas (via

Lancaster, California becomes first US city to require solar (via Greentech Media)

OPT Oregon wave energy project delayed again (via EarthTechling)


Japan coal use to jump 24% in 2013-2014 as energy costs rise (via Reuters)

More science on mountaintop removal’s health effects (via Charleston Gazette)


Security risks of climate change prompt military review by over 100 countries (via RTCC)

How to abuse statistics: claim global warming stopped in 1998 (via Weather Underground)

Global warming predictions prove accurate over past 15 years (via The Guardian)

Climate change is increasing seasonal allergies (via Climate Central)

Ocean acidification from climate change threatens the seas (via USA Today)


EU eyes 40 percent carbon cuts by 2030 (via BusinessGreen)

EU confident carbon market fix will win states’ support (via Bloomberg)

Auditor General’s carbon neutral report scalds British Columbia government (via Huffington Post/Canadian Press)

Disney, Microsoft, Shell opt for self-imposed CO2 emission taxes (via The Guardian)

Study: US biofuels policy pushes GHG emissions overseas (via Midwest Energy News)


Fracking’s latest scandal – earthquake swarms (via Mother Jones)

Drilling boom spurs rush to harness brackish water (via StateImpact Texas)

Small towns find fracking brings boom, booming headaches (via Bloomberg)

Texas regulators ease rules to encourage frack water recycling (via Houston Chronicle)

Nearly 670 miles of wells drilled in Ohio in 2012 (via Akron Beacon Journal)


US “peak miles” may have happened five years ago, Americans still drive 3 trillion miles a year (via Autoblog Green)

Nissan Leaf sales will hit new record in March, around 1,900 units (via Autoblog Green)

Fisker puts US workforce on furlough this week (via Reuters)


Seven simple strategies for smart grid engagement (via Renew Grid)

Solar activity can affect transmission grid, but 2013 activity less than anticipated (via US EIA)

You can’t have a smarter grid without smarter buildings (via Greentech Media)

Santa Clara, California launches free outdoor wi-fi on backs of smart meters (via GigaOm)


With drought season off to a bad start, scientists forecast another bleak year (via InsideClimate News)

Gardeners plant strawberries and tomatoes in Arctic valleys of Greenland for first time (via Inhabitat)


How the Internet of Things will transform building management (via GreenBiz)

Tax time 2013: energy efficiency home tax credits (via EarthTechling)


UK prime minister removes anti-wind energy minister from post (via Recharge)

Under fire, Senate Democrat trio says Keystone vote not endorsement (via The Hill)

Ethanol debate has glimpse of bipartisanship (via National Journal)


Low-carbon economies and smart grids: watch out for China (via Forbes)

Americans already pay a carbon tax, via extreme weather’s impact on GDP (via Sustainable Business)

Giant investment bank taken over by hippie alarmists (via Grist)

Is the sky the limit for wind power? (via NPR)

Cooling on warming (via New York Times)

How green is your university? (via New York Times)


An additional roundup of energy and climate news is posted at Climate Progress

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 2.14.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Satellite data reveals major loss in volume of Arctic sea-ice since 2003 (via Green Car Congress)

60% of Americans agree with Obama on climate change action (via Greentech Media)

Major climate change bill coming to US Senate (via The Nation)

The most influential climate science paper today remains unknown to most people (via InsideClimate News)

The $188 billion price tag from US extreme weather from 2011 to 2012 (via Climate Progress)


Pressure builds on Keystone pipeline decision after Obama speech (via Reuters)

Keystone pipeline protesters arrested at White House (via The Hill)


India faces major energy shortfalls (The National)

CAISO and PacificCorp join forces to boost western grid reliability, integrate renewables (via Renew Grid)

California sets 50MW target for grid energy storage (via Greentech Media)


PwC: shale oil surge poses threat to renewables (via BusinessGreen)

White House outlines request for Congress to create $2 billion green energy fund (via Reuters)

Obama’s energy trust proposal doesn’t include expanded drilling (via Greenwire)

Yet another storm brewing over wind production tax credit (via CleanTechnica)

Net metering debate rages despite calls for calm (via Renewable Energy World)

ERCOT finds 10-13GW of solar PV competitive in Texas power market (via Solar Server)

Conflict of interest: California solar projects compete with prime farmland (via Sustainable Business)

Cape Wind hopes federal loan not blown (via Boston Herald)

In Indiana, seeking to ramp up wind without state mandates (via Midwest Energy News)


Exxon Mobil grows Arctic reach in Russia (via Houston Chronicle)

Crude oil and gasoline prices will drop through 2014, EIA projects (via Houston Chronicle)

US oil production forecast to increase 40% from 2011 to 2014 (via Facts of the Day)

Using federal oil revenues to cut America’s oil use (via New York Times)


Electric vehicle charging equipment market to surpass $3.8 billion by 2020 (via Pike Research)

Smart highways to be installed in Netherlands this year (via Triple Pundit)

DOE IG: grant money for battery company not “managed effectively” (via Washington Post)

Fisker Karma drivers averaging 150 mpg (via Autoblog Green)


European corporations demand EU carbon market action (via BusinessGreen)

Carbon Disclosure Project investors up 10% in 2013 (via Environmental Leader)

Nations seen going separate ways on carbon as EU efforts falter (via Reuters)

London mayor unveils ultra-low emission zone plan for city (via BusinessGreen)


Natural gas glut leads to tough times for power generators (via Houston Chronicle)


Desalination seen booming at 15% a year as world’s water dries up (via Bloomberg)

South Americans face upheaval in deadly water battles (via Bloomberg)


Obama faces clean energy constraints (via Recharge)

Obama’s threat to act unilaterally on climate change looking empty (via Grist)

Obama wants to double US energy efficiency by 2030 – is that possible? (via Washington Post)

Will Chuck Hagel keep DoD’s commitment to renewable energy? (via Sustainable Business)

Energy and Environment News Roundup – 2.1.13

A daily roundup of the most important energy, environment, and climate news from around the world.


Mystery oil sheen grows near site of BP Gulf disaster (via NBC News)


US carbon emissions fall to lowest levels since 1994 (via The Guardian)

Guidelines issues to ensure captured carbon stays sequestered (via BusinessGreen)


Keystone pipeline decision to languish until mid-June (via Reuters)


Clean energy in Europe suffering from falling CO2 prices (via Energy Collective)

German solar FIT to decline 2.2% monthly through April (via Recharge)

Greece sees impressive solar PV growth despite banking crisis (via Renewable Energy World)

Italian town runs solely on wind, sells the rest (via Sustainable Business)

Biofuel-blending battle rages on as EPA releases new projections (via The Hill)

GE introduces wind turbine for low-wind sites (via Energy Manager Today)

Seven projects looking to use big data to cut the cost of solar power (via GigaOm)

After delays, Maine approves offshore wind farm (via CLF Scoop)


The US has some of the lowest energy taxes in the developed world (via Washington Post)

Transformation in US power supply breeds emissions success, grid challenges (via Houston Chronicle)

US utilities expect more environmental regulations during 2nd Obama term (via Environmental Leader)

Renewables in bed with natural gas? (via Mother Jones)


Nissan will triple number of EV fast chargers in US (via Autoblog Green)

EV Everywhere Blueprint outlines DOE EV goals for 2022 (via Green Car Congress)

69% of US voters support stricter auto emission standards (via Environmental Leader)

Tesla’s Musk calls Boeing 787 Dreamliner batteries “fundamentally unsafe” (via Autoblog Green)

More EV loans “remains to be seen,” Chu says (via Bloomberg)

Big price declines in 2013 EVs: price cuts put EVs on the road (via Facts of the Day)

Hertz adds Chevy Volt to car-sharing service, targets students (via Green Car Reports)

Dreamliner’s woes hearten foes (via Politico)


Australian government pledges to protect Great Barrier Reef (via Reuters)

EU proposes to ban insecticides linked to bee decline (via BusinessGreen)

US drought hangs tough through January (via Climate Central)

Survey of nation’s largest cities finds water supplies not as threatened as believed (via


Smart grid sector sees $434M in VC funding, $17B in M&A transactions (via Renew Grid)

SDG&E strives to develop ‘self-healing’ grid (via Renew Grid)

The (wrong) report on Silver Spring’s IPO chances (via Greentech Media)


2013 policy priorities for sustainable and responsible investors (via GreenBiz)


Philippine government says climate change is top priority (via Sustainable Business)

Planting trees may not reverse climate change but it will help local cooling (via

Climate scientists erring on the side of least drama (via Skeptical Science)

Alaska natives try to flee climate impacts but find little help (via ClimateWire)


Sacramento launches $100-million energy retrofit fund (via Forbes)

Washington DC requires commercial buildings to track energy and water use (via CleanTechnica)


Why the US coal industry is so worried (via Sightline Daily)

Half of Washington State residents support coal export terminal (via Seattle Met)


Hagel vows DoD focus on alternative fuels, energy efficiency if confirmed (via The Hill)

Hagel’s other label: anti-green (via Politico)

Sen. Carper plans renewed push for offshore wind credit legislation (via The Hill)

Right place, wrong time for secretary candidate with gold-plated resume? (via Greenwire)


Mr. President, there’s a major flaw in your solution to climate change (via Take Part)

Can Obama do for the grid what Eisenhower did for highways? (via New York Times)