5 Recycled Gift Card Craft Projects


craftRECYCLED logoGift Card Crafts

Got a gift card that's all used up? Don't throw it away! Check out some of these ways to repurpose old gift cards instead.

It's so fun to receive a gift card, but once they're empty they're just another throw-away piece of plastic. Boo on that! Instead of adding waste to our landfills or contributing to the growing plastic pollution problem in our oceans, you can keep those cards out of the waste stream instead. Here are a few projects to give those gift cards a new life when the shopping spree is over.

1. DIY Guitar Picks

Grab yourself a Pick Punch, and make your own guitar picks from old gift cards. Don't want to spring for a Pick Punch? You can also make gift card guitar picks without a punch.

2. Paper Clips

Over at Instructables, learn how you can turn those used gift cards into totally cute upcycled paper clips.

recycled giftcard necklace

3. Gift Card Necklace

Got a few gift cards in your stash? Turn them into a beautiful faux shell necklace!

4. Upcycled Earrings

With just a few simple supplies, you can transform an old gift card into a very cute pair of earrings.

5. Reclaimed Bracelet

Finish off this gift card jewelry set we are apparently working on with a recycled gift card bracelet!

Have you guys made anything fun with old gift cards? Tell us about it in the comments!

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